In a message dated 3/3/2005 10:26:52 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
I'm sure everybody will weigh in -- in my experience the vet hospital is _very_ expensive and best left for absolute emergencies.
Look, she unabashedly advertises Temple programming. It is time for her to experience "The Penn Way". There is nothing more humbling than sitting in the vet school's reception area, with your sick pet, waiting for Student Gods to save your baby.
I thought all practicing leftist communication professors were drug literate. Perhaps her vet prescribed an antibiotic specific to the anticipated bacterial threat, rather than a broad spectrum formulation that might upset other components of the cat's bio-system - read bowels. Or, the vet wants to minimize the potential for the cat developing resistance to other useful antibiotics.
Many sole practitioner vets, if that is what Susan visited, set aside Thursdays exclusively for surgery, so he is there but not answering the phone. Consider Susan calling the FCC, upset with their policy and telling them, "I will be there tomorrow."
Personally, I encourage Susan to patronize UPenn Vet school. They have a big hole in the ground, at 38th Street to pay for, and we need to stem the flow of her Philly dollars to NYC.

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