Don't know where you got your education, Miggle, but that's "peeling".
It's patent nonsense to say that "the lack of a decent physical plant is a direct indicator of Philadelphia's commitment to education."
The lack of a decent physical plant is the direct result of racist residential segregation. Step across the border into the white suburbs if you think that isn't true. Quality of physical plant is directly correlated with the wealth of the district. In Amerikkka the white people have the money so the white people get the decent schools.
Talk to some of the truly dedicated educators who give their lives to teaching in the Philly school system and hear what they have to say about the President's demonic unfunded "No child left behind" racist initiative.
Don't make me puke Miggle. Stick to talking about water heaters and chimneys where you seem to know partially whereof you speak.
In a message dated 3/15/2005 11:56:33 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Decrepit facilities, from pealing paint and lack of desks to lack of
"contemporary tools," -- yes, computers and laptops -- heads their list
of objections. They see the lack of a decent physical plant as a direct
indicator of Philadelphia's commitment to education. [Remember the
broken window theory? True or not it has a significant impact.]

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