In a message dated 3/16/2005 9:18:36 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
so because the republicans in DC do it, it is ok for Street and his cronies to rob the city blind?
You raise an interesting philosophical and also pragmatic question here. Because, as we all know, the Republicans seem to have an inherent, perhaps genetic, disposition to lie, cheat, and step on people's feet, does that make it "right" for the rest of us? Or should we just "lie back and enjoy it"? Certainly the Republican techniques have made them "successful" at grabbing power -- should we not learn and profit by their example? I mean, just because I might personally feel squeamish about walking all over my grandmother, as a famous Republican theorist of the Nixon era advised, does that mean I should let the Republicans have all the fun?
Deep questions. As to the particular question of "Street and his cronies" robbing the city blind, I respond simply "bullshit". John Ashcroft's "Justice" Department sent in the Feds to try to swing the election to that febrile dweeb Sam Katz, bugged the Mayor's office etc. and came up with a whole lot of nothing. The major problems this city faces stem from a hostile Republican legislature in Harrisburg and a hostile Republican Federal government in Washington.
And as we here in University City all know, things locally have gotten SO much better since Judy Rodin stepped in to lend a helping hand. Haven't you noticed that real estate prices have gone through the roof? So stop bitching and go out and make some money. You'll feel so much better.

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