In a message dated 3/16/2005 2:00:14 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
As long as we are addressing hurtful posts, I'd like to take Ross to task
regarding one point in a recent post. 
I was hurt by the image he projected, of me, when describing an
Archemedes moment, but can let it pass, since I am hoping friends enjoyed
a laugh (I'm hoping for some it was an uncomfortable laugh) but I need to
object the description of me as "stoned".  I am a former addict.  I even
did coke with George W.  My husband and kids know that I survived drug
So Ross, party on, but
please keep me drug-free.
Sorry Liz. As a former addict myself, I only invite people into my hot tub whom I think can stand the heat. Besides, you think you're hot stuff because you did coke with W. Personally, I was doing bhong hits with Jack Kennedy before you were even a gleam in your daddy's eye. Hunter Thompson and I used to drink Dick Nixon under the table at the White House prayer breakfasts and long after Dick had passed out in the Oval Office Dr. Thompson and I would go on and snort adrenachrome torn from the living adrenal glands of White House interns. Someday the story can be told, but probably not this afternoon. I've got work to do.

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