In a message dated 4/15/2005 2:58:04 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
somebody out for a stroll who is taking in the sights and somebody
who appears to be up to no good.  As I previously stated, I think that it is
prudent to error on the side of caution.
And if one of my "leash aggressive" dogs rousted his ass, you would take his case re physical/emotional injury, since you don't handle civil rights violations?
This is a time when men like former police commissioner Frank Rizzo and his policies are missed. When his men told a loiterer to move on, you moved on or got your head busted. The only color issue was how red was your blood. Thank God for the ACLU, protecting vagrants', stalkers', drug dealers' and street walkers' civil rights.
The ACLU's latest crusade to protect great American's civil rights, is now playing out in Nevada. They are representing exotic dancers against a new State tax. The ACLU claims that case law protects the dancers from being taxed for dancing, which is a recognized form of artistic _expression_. The tax on hookers is OK because screwing is deemed a plain old work product by the courts; sorry Rosso.

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