In a message dated 4/21/2005 12:57:03 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
I think the
biggest problem in all this is deciding whether or not the
taco bell down at 3401 walnut will be really REALLY mexican.
Laserbeam's usually sharp focus seems to have gotten a bit blurred. He's assuming a homogeniety to Mexican Cuisine that is worthy of debate on this list as a topic unto itself. Now I don't know much about Mexican Cuisine other than a little about what you can get [sic] in Tijuana. But wouldn't someone in, say, Irkutsk, discussing food that was really REALLY American have a problem if he or she was thinking about a place that served grits for breakfast as opposed to one that featured Froot Loops, pancakes, or steak-and-eggs? Yet we of University City's most enlightened classes know that all three are really REALLY American. And, what if those grits were actually Cream of Wheat instead of hominy because wheat is available to the restaurant chain at a low price and corn is expensive?
Wouldn't it stand to reason that a restaurant that served Pan de Pascua might be as authentically Mexican as one that featured Cosas Pequenas Dulces?
Always at your service and ready for a dialog,

Al Krigman

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