>From today's  DP. These all seem to be right at the edge  of Campus or at 
areas most heavily patrolled by Penn and UCD rent-a-cops. 
I'm not saying that Penn's expensive security window dressing  (like the $5 
MM street lights that don't deter crime but do give people a false  sense of 
confidence) are the cause of the mayhem. But, aren't we glad most of us  live 
past 42nd or 43rd Streets where it's obviously much safer? 

Al  Krigman
Left of Ivan Grozny ®
 Seven assaults hit U. City over last  week
Two students, one University staff member are victims in  alarmingly high 
number of attacks
Joe Vester
Posted: 2/27/07
Seven assaults occurred on or near campus in the last  week, including 
attacks on two students and a University staff member, as well  as an assault 
on a 
police officer by a student.

On Feb. 20, two male  students were assaulted in separate incidents near 30th 
and Market  streets.

At about 6:30 p.m., the first student was pushed and then  punched by a group 
of about five men near the entrance to the 30th Street  subway.

At about 6:40 p.m., the other student was punched by a pair of  men who 
proceeded to flee in an unknown direction. 

Nothing was stolen in  either case, and both victims were treated for minor 
head injuries. No weapons  were involved in either incident.

Division of Public Safety officials  declined to speculate on a link between 
the two cases, but they said that they  are considering all possibilities.

In an unrelated incident on Feb. 19 at  about 7:40 p.m., a male staff member 
was assaulted by three unknown males on the  3900 block of Ludlow Street. The 
suspects approached the staff member, hit him  in the face and then fled the 

There were no injuries, and no  weapon was involved in the assault.

In all three cases, police gave no  descriptions of the suspects, and no 
arrests have been made in connection with  any of the incidents.

In another unrelated incident, an undergraduate  College student, Hugh Brown, 
28, was arrested for allegedly assaulting a male  police officer on Feb. 21 
at 6:10 p.m. The incident took place on College Green,  near the Fisher Fine 
Arts Library.

Brown became involved in a dispute  with a Penn Police officer and repeatedly 
hit the officer without causing  injury. No weapon was involved.

DPS officials would not comment on why  the dispute started, but Brown has 
been charged with public drunkenness and  similar misconduct in addition to 
aggravated assault and resisting  arrest.

Brown was released on Feb. 23 and is due to appear in court on  Mar. 1.

There were also three more assaults, involving individuals  unaffiliated with 

n Michael Gallagher, 30 and unaffiliated with the  University, allegedly 
attempted to drive a car into a police officer when he was  stopped on the 3700 
block of Chestnut Street at about 12:30 a.m. on Feb.  18.

The officer escaped injury by dodging the car, and Gallagher was  arrested.

Gallagher posted bail of $8,000 on Feb. 18. He is charged with  aggravated 

n Joseph Francis, 44 and unaffiliated with the  University, allegedly struck 
a security officer while he was escorted out of  Presbyterian Hospital, 
located at 51 N. 39th St., at about 8:30 a.m. on Feb. 22.  Francis had been 
in the area.

n Mark Williams, 35 and  unaffiliated with the University, was involved in an 
alleged domestic dispute  inside the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, 
located at 34th Street and Civic  Center Boulevard, at about 8:00 p.m. on Feb. 

Williams then allegedly  assaulted and stole the bag of the complainant 
before fleeing. He was stopped by  hospital security and arrested by Penn 

DPS spokeswoman Karima  Zedan said in an e-mail that the high number of 
assaults were indicative of a  growing trend in Philadelphia.

"Other sections of the city have also seen  a rise in violence and aggressive 
criminal behavior among young men purely for  the sake of violence without 
monetary gain," she said.

The seven assaults  were in addition to two robberies over the period of Feb. 
17 to 22.   
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