In a message dated 3/17/2007 12:41:49 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

so  please let me know if we found out UCD was writing  tickets.

Glenn didn't say (or I missed it if he did) that "UCD was writing tickets."  
He wrote " UCD, had a heavy hand in" the ticketing. 
Several years ago, when I was clinging to ideas like "partnership with the  
community" and accordingly trying to work with UCD, I was meeting at the Old  
Horn & Hardart's with one of the organization's former top people -- D L  
Wormley. The phone rang and she took the call. It was SWEEP Officer Joiner. D L 
read off a list of four or five addresses where she was telling Ms Joiner to 
 After she hung up, she turned to me and explained, "they're the worst  
More recently, shortly before the NID initiative hit the fan, UCD convened  a 
meeting of the nascent "Landlord's Network." Attendees were invited to raise  
issues we thought were important. Dan DeRitis (of the liquor store brouhaha)  
stood up and complained about the fact that when the trash tickets arrive,  
they're months after the fact so nobody knows who the actual guilty part was. 
By  what we were supposed to believe was a sheer coincidence, Officer Joiner 
was  there. She explained that she turns them in daily and the delay is in the  
Streets Dept processing procedure, and there was nothing she could do to 
reduce  the delay there. Lewis Wendell was suddenly struck with an inspiration. 
Ms Joiner would bring the tickets to UCD, he'd assign someone to make  
photocopies and send them out to the property owners overnight. Local 
who is against everything that I am, I objected to the idea that UCD, which was 
not accountable to anyone but its patrons, was interposing itself into the  
middle of a "police powers" process of the city government. They ignored my  
objection and started doing it. I lodged an official complaint with both  
Councilwoman Blackwell and Streets Commissioner Tolson who put an immediate 
stop  to 
the practice.
So, unless you'd like to call me a liar, you now have two pieces of  
empirical evidence that -- as Glenn stated -- UCD had a heavy hand in the  
at least then. 
Al  Krigman
Left of Ivan Grozny ®

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