In a message dated 4/1/2007 7:34:09 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

A house next to mine has been left in virtually derelect condition for  about 
2 years. ... When I looked out into the backyard, which has been a  ghastly 
mess for years, I saw large piles accumulating of what  appeared to be jagged 
pieces of wood ripped from walls. And, more and  more appliances appeared, just 
piled up in the back yard.  Given the past  behavior of the people in that 
house, I would not be surprised if the piled up  junk and broken appliances 
lie there for a long, long time, just  rusting away.

Whatever is going on there, it is not good.  I have no evidence of  actual 
criminality, but I really worry about where this  situation could be headed.
Is this part of a pattern that anyone has seen before in the  neighborhood?

>From my business experience it is common place in Philadelphia.
The decline is a by-product of poverty and a lack of enforcement.  In the 
latter matter elected Democrats in power fail to exercise their  governmental 
responsibilities. No guts no glory, but most of these bureaucrats  just want a 
pay check and the trappings of power. One of the absurd by-products  of 
Philadelphia not having a functional two party system, thereby thwarting a  
competitive attentive governmental process.

  Does anyone have any suggestions about what I should be doing as  a 
concerned neighbor?

Try this below link. 
   If it does not work, contact me off-line 
and I will steer you to a city  attorney.
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