Dear Glenn & List,

Both of my "White" kids have played at 47th & Woodland.
Both of my "White" kids have played even further west at 50th and
Both of my "White" kids have played in a variety of "Rec" centers
including Mantua and areas where white faces are rare, even on the major
They have always been safe and treated as young athletes, not aliens.
Student-Athletes and the parents involved in coaching and mentoring kids
are generally decent people, for whom race is secondary.

My family attended an international "Ultimate Frisbee" tournament (US vs.
Australia) at 50th and Kingsessing.
I heard about it from Jon Moore who hosted several of the Australians.
Jon did a great job of extending friendship and welcome across lines of
class, culture, race and neighborhood.
I hoped it would be the first of many events held at the site, because it
did bring a lot of new faces into our 'hood.
Unfortunately, there does not appear to be a lot of other use / activity
building on his success or momentum, and Jon, like myself, is a parent
who works full time.  It is not fair to ask much more of him.

I would like to see at least the older soccer players moved to one of the
nearby "Rec" centers.
To me Clark Park is an oasis, and deserves more thoughtful use.

I would like more of the "powerful middle class" to realize that many of
their prejudices are pointless.


On Wed, 4 Apr 2007 14:36:10 -0400 "Glenn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Topic: Breaking up the city
Dear Liz,
When I moved to the neighborhood 28 years ago as a young adult, I fell in
love with this rare inspiring neighborhood for reasons I believe I share
with you, an indigenous resident. Sharrieff described the "great history"
and "remarkable tones for diversity," that I also found made an inspiring
community to call home despite the big city problems which adversely
effected all of the cities of the northeast. 
For decades the middle class of this country attempted to abandon our
cities and blame their spiritual problems on various populations of our
fellow citizens left behind. Now this middle class has decided to
reoccupy urban areas with the same ignorance and prejudices which
motivated their departure. With complete disregard for the voices in
great communities like ours; we will get out of their way, one way or the
I believe that this grand "vision" of which we hear so much might now be
deconstructed so that more of us might understand what I began realizing,
to my horror, some years ago. It was because of my attempts to serve the
community when I returned here in 1996; that I relatively early,
discovered the ideology guiding the so called "vision" long before our
neighbors were given the overwhelming data to deconstruct it.
Corporate America wishes to break up our cities into pockets of
homogenized suburbanesque middle class zones like this UCD and further
isolate the lower economic classes into impoverished zones around these.
Residents of those zones will continue to lose their rights as citizens
as well as basic governmental services. I believe the demonizing of
government that was the cornerstone of Reaganism should be recognized as
a historical point in the development of this ideology and the current
"vision" destroying our community.
Contained in the vision, the powerless, voiceless, residents of West
Philly are to choose to be servants to the elite or they will become the
new slave class through the emergent prison industrial complex. 
Approximately a year ago at Penn, one of these so called "city planning
experts"  outlined the guiding ideology justifying, in palatable terms,
this glorification of middle class prejudices, anger, and hatred.
Fundamentally, the powerful good folks don’t want to carry the burden of
the losers in our society so the city must be divided around class
Since a heartless middle class unable to escape its misery wants to
reoccupy urban zones, this break up of the city is just natural social
Darwinism. Thus, the UCD is a God given right for a powerful suburban
middle class and the destruction and homogenization of our great
community is similarly the God given right of the prejudiced and powerful

Everyone on the list has seen my attempts to show the reality behind the
"revitalization of Clark Park." The unfortunate reality is that the
impoverished Philadelphia Department of Recreation turned Clark Park over
to the new order, the UCD, at least 3 years ago.  In my opinion, its too
late for our great public park at the center of our once successful
diverse community
I wish our neighbors would look at a prominent demarcation line between
Philadelphia and the new UCD.  One only needs to walk from the upscale
Clark Park across the border to the recreation center in Philadelphia at
47th just south of Woodland. As one of the new leaders of the upscale
district barked at me 4 years ago, "the white kids aren’t going to play
soccer at 47th and Woodland," the appropriate Philadelphia facility for
an exclusive upscale soccer league. (Presumably, I was to see and be
sympathetic to the UCD/FOCP need to destroy the culture of Clark Park in
order to accommodate these powerful middle class prejudices.)
I truly hope that it is not too late for those of us who understood the
beauty and inspiration of our great but very rare community to organize
and reject this bigoted vision for a new plutocracy. I don’t know our
courageous neighbors whom are putting up the stickers. Personally, I
stand with West Philly and I hope you and more of our neighbors will too.
PS. Here is a quote from one of my heroes.
"I cannot teach you violence, as I do not myself believe in it. I can
only teach you not to bow your heads before any one even at the cost of
your life." Mahatma Gandhi

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