In a message dated 4/11/2007 10:06:53 AM Eastern Daylight Time,  

Yes, I  clearly remember the thread about this a few months ago...and that 
the bill  had been passed.  I don’t recall who posted the email with that news. 
Must be in the archive somewhere.  

Here's the relevant section of the Philadelphia Code, as currently posted  at 
the city's website.
Al  Krigman
Register your opposition to the NID via the Internet to Councilwoman  
Blackwell --
With some background: 
Go  directly to the form: 

§10-1202. Prohibited Conduct. _[205]_ 

(1) No sticker, as defined in Section 10-1201(6), shall be permitted to  be 
affixed to any public or private property, except with the permission of the  

(2) No temporary sign which advertises or promotes a service,  business or 
other event of a permanent or continuous nature, which is to be  sold, offered 
or conducted away from the location at which such sign is  situated, shall be 
permitted to be erected on any public or private property,  except with the 
permission of the owner, notwithstanding anything in Chapter  14-1900 to the 

(3) No ground signs shall be permitted unless  securely attached to poles or 
other immobile supporting structures, and unless  erected in accordance with 
the provisions of § 10-1202(4), notwithstanding  anything in Chapter 14-1900 to 
the contrary.

(4) (a) No political  campaign posters shall be affixed in any manner to any 
type of tree._[205.1]_ 

(b) No political campaign poster shall be  allowed to remain posted over 
thirty (30) days after the primary or regular  election to which it 

(.1) Each candidate and campaign committee  that does not remove his/their 
political or campaign poster from where it was  posted as required by section 
10-1202(4)(b) above, shall be assessed a fine of  one dollar ($1.00) for each 
such unremoved poster.

(5) The provisions of  Section 10-501 of The Philadelphia Code 
notwithstanding, temporary signs may be  erected on public property, excluding 
buildings and 
parks, provided:

(a)  such temporary signs are erected in a secure fashion and in a manner 
which does  not impair the safety of pedestrian or vehicular traffic; and

(b) such  temporary signs are erected in compliance with Chapter 14-1900 of 
the Code,  except as to Section 14-1902(2)(c), in which case temporary signs 
may be  permitted on trees which are not situated in parkland provided nails, 
tacks,  staples or other piercing methods are not used; and

(c) such temporary  signs are erected not more than 45 days prior to the 
event to which they relate;  and

(d) a permit is obtained from the Department of Licenses and  Inspections 
pursuant to Section 10-1203; and

(e) a substantial number of  the temporary signs are removed within 30 days 
after the event to which they  relate.

(.1) In the case of an event which is of more than one day’s  duration, the 
period for removal shall begin on the last day of the event, with  the 
exception of instructional courses, for which the time period for removal  
shall begin 
to toll on the first day of the course.

(6) Notwithstanding  any other provision of this Section, no person shall 
affix any temporary sign,  sticker or political campaign poster to any public 
property, by means of glue,  paste, plastic or vinyl adhesive, or other 
permanent-type adhesive._[207]_ 

(7) Nowithstanding any other provision of  this Section, no person shall 
affix any temporary sign or political campaign  poster to public utility poles; 
streetlights; traffic or parking signs or  devices, including the posts to 
such signs and devices are attached; or  historical markers, without the 
permission of the owner or of the agency  responsible for the maintenance of 

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