Well, especially if they are more than three years old as in my friend's
case, "OUT-Und-Zee!"

There are simply too many people not spaying or neutering their pets and too
many pets who cannot find homes.

Alright.  I love my cats even though I threaten my former "Death Row
Inmates" cats because I have to have the upper hand.  Also, in my house I
STILL believe in "Speicies' Rank." That is if PEOPLE come to visit me and
they have allergies to cats, CATS must go.

If people are not comfortable with cats, CATS must go.

If people like cats but cats are on human furniture, CATS must go.

They would be placed somewhere else in the home.

Even so, they are not disposable as many are who are brought to shelters.
For dogs, it's even harder to place them.

Bottom line please neuter your pets or better yet, do not adopt an animal
who you do not have the time or energy to train or maintain.

On 4/20/07 6:37 PM, "Kyle Cassidy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> About four years ago a colleague found four kittens behind her house and
> brought them in to work. They resided in her office in a big cage and
> people would come in and coo over them. Two quickly found homes and the
> third and fourth lingered until a Friday afternoon when someone came in
> and said "you know, I do want those two last kittens." And took them
> home.
> Monday, my colleague ask the new pet-owner "how are the kittens doing?"
> and she replied "oh, they were tearing up my furniture and were so
> rambunctious I couldn't sleep. I took them to the animal shelter for
> someone else to take home." My colleague raced from work to the shelter
> but it was too late, they'd been put to sleep over the weekend. The
> person who'd "adopted" them was horrified and suffered from two common
> misconceptions when it comes to stray animals 1) that animal shelters
> are "no kill" and 2) that cute kittens always find homes.
> I've heard the statistic that 50% of all dogs and cats in America are
> euthanized every year.
> A feral cat can produce 18 kittens a year. Spay and neuter your pets
> people.
> kc
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