Well unfortunately Philadelphia is a city with a strong White working class
who are primarily Union workers.

Republicans have worked systematically, in my opinion, to dismantle the
rights that working people have fought for since the Roosevelt
administration and ³incorporated² this country and put the money in their

Examine the statistics of how the rich few have gotten richer and how the
working middle-class has sunk.

THAT is what made this country great, that anyone could come here, work hard
and rise in class.  The strong middle-class is dying.

I agree competition is a good thing.  However if one has to choose between
protecting one¹s rights and competition, there¹s no choice.

I am quite conservative as are most African-Americans in the social sense ,
but the new neo-con Republicans are not real Conservatives in my opinion.

On 4/27/07 5:56 PM, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Ross,
> I'm trying not to get embroiled in a Republican v Democrat argument.....  I
> have heard it said that "government operates best when it is in full
> gridlock".  Your statement that the national Republican party has behaved so
> dishonorably that it shames anything our local Dems can do.  I'm not
> commenting on your content, but I am pointing out that the severity of the
> Republican mis-deeds might be partially (or maybe mostly) due to the fact that
> they controlled both houses and the Presidency at the same time.  (They almost
> had the Judiciary also!)  If there had been one house or the other in the
> Dem's hands then less evil might have occurred if only because both parties
> would have had more investigative authority over each other.
> I want to draw the parallel to our City's overwhelming dominance by the
> Democrats and how it has had devastating effects on our City's ability to grow
> and move forward.
> See what's free at AOL.com <http://www.aol.com?ncid=AOLAOF00020000000503> .

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