Kyle Cassidy wrote:
i saw a car driving up walnut street at about 44th honk
at a guy in a red jacket crossing the street then, as the
car drove past, the driver stuck his (or her) arm out and
smacked the guy on the posterior at about 35mph. dude in
the red sweater seemed really suprised.

Kyle Cassidy wrote:
I was just walking along Farragut street and noticed a
bunch of "Bob Brady for Mayor" signs affixed to trees
along the street -- with three inch drywall screws.

Kyle Cassidy wrote:
One winter about five years ago I was walking down Walnut at
about 12th when a sheet of ice that probably weighed fifty
pounds fell from one of those 13 story center city
skyscrapers and smashed onto the sidewalk about 15 feet in
front of me

Kyle Cassidy wrote:
I took a walk over to Liz Campion's house this morning and
in the ten or so blocks that seperate our houses, I saw six
smashed out car windows.

this evening I was passing by the green line cafe and I saw a middle aged couple stirring their extra shot mocha macchiatos. glaring over their bifocals and pursing their lips, they were.

[aka laserbeam®]
[aka ray]

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