Isn't it a general rule - people who've had restraining orders filed against 
them by their neighbors don't get invited to the block parties?
  I'm just saying ...

"S. Sharrieff Ali" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
    st1\:*{behavior:url(#default#ieooui) }                Melani…I noticed you 
removed the “sales” signature from your e-mail post when you replied.
  If you want me to be truthful..than I will. I wish all the “sales people” who 
have invaded this 
  “community discussion listserv” would save all your “sales” for when your not 
on this list!! ..
  Keep it simple and sign off as …”Melani…Simply Me”.
  So there..honesty from me to you.
  I am not going to spend much time discussing racism in our community beyond 
  two stories:
  Story 1 takes place directly after the 9/11 attack in New York. My neighbor 
rings my bell,
  I answer, he is standing there with a flag, he says “put this up right away”, 
I say “why”,
  He says “trust me Sharrieff”.
  Story 2 takes place about 10 months ago, my neighbors are planning a “Block 
Party” at
  a neighbor’s house..not in the street, at a neighbor’s house. A neighbor is 
passing out
  flyers and skips my house (I know this because I happen to be looking out my 
  I later ask why my house was skipped, the neighbor says “maybe I just don’t 
like you”. 
  Keep in mind I am the only African American owned house on the block. 
  1945 or 2007?  People still fear “the black man” Melani, even if he’s 
  Let me be a witness, yes Melani, you have given a tremendous amount of time 
to our community,
  however, beyond many of us, you benefit in a very different way due to the 
fact you “sell”
  this community for a living..and judging from you advertised sales success, 
to the tune of many
  $$$$$$$. Enlightened self interest? Penn doesn’t have the market cornered on 
that one!
  Melani, you are our best cheerleader for sure, I will always be third and UCD 
will be our worst-first.
  Irrational fear? I think not. Look around you…look at our city, look at the 
incidents of crime in our
  community over the last two years. Is it really wise to create the spin which 
says “it’s really not
  too bad, it is not as bad as Center City?”  Is it wise to ignore the 
stickers, banners and vandalism
  and blame it all on “frat-boys” and “track-stars”?
  I think it is smarter to recognize the facts and have a plan. UCD won’t 
launch a safety related web-site
  because it interferes with the marketing of the area, I have asked. The 
program which started as the
  “clean & safe” support of the community has become the areas premiere 
business and neighborhood 
  “marketing” organization full of employees who live in the suburbs!! 
  Our neighborhood is not broken beyond repair but it is failing in many 
ways…failing to support the 
  diversity which makes us the most unique community in our city, failing to 
build bridges between our
  strengths, failing to take our heads out of our asses and ACT!
  What are we waiting for anyway?
  Heads out and up!
  -----Original Message-----
Sent: Sunday, April 29, 2007 6:51 PM
Subject: Re: [UC] plethora of smashed car windows this morning
In a message dated 4/29/07 3:24:46 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  .....Fear is not good for sales right?  Well the lack of fear will get you 
 Heads up?
  Irrational fear is not good for anything.  Irrational fear - racism - gave 
our neighborhood an undeserved bad reputation for way too long.  People new to 
the area looked around and saw people who didn't look the same as they did.   
The new people were afraid.  Unfortunately, they had classmates and colleagues 
in every department at Penn who lived elsewhere, and shared that uninformed 
racism, and fed the newcomers' fear.  It still goes on:  way too often, I still 
run into people who have never been west of 45th St., or 43rd St., or 40th St., 
or some other crazy divider.  A new CHOP doctor and her husband, just arrived 
from San Francisco, came to an open house I had at 47th just south of 
Springfield last weekend.  She said she'd been told not to live south of 
Springfield Avenue.  That was a new one for me:  I've often heard "don't live 
south of Baltimore," but I'd never heard Springfield.  

We spent years - you, Sharrieff, and I, and a lot of other community folks - 
working to convince the rest of the world that this is a GOOD place to live, 
that the different faces here are a POSITIVE part of our community - one of the 
most positive assets we have here.  I like to think that we made some tiny 
dent, somewhere, in the thinking that has white people crossing the street 
every time a young black man approaches.  

Do bad things happen here, sometimes?  Of course.  It's the big city.  They 
happen in center city and many other respectable neighborhoods, too.  Fear is 
not good for cities - not sales!  City people have to be aware and willing to 
take a few precautions. As a matter of fact, four young boys tried to mug my 
son a couple of weeks ago as he was vacuuming out his car at the car wash at 
47th, is it, & Chestnut.  He's a city kid, though, so he saw it coming and took 
action to show them he wasn't afraid, and then he left.   Like Robin said about 
her daughters' young would-be muggers, we need to be aware.  But I don't think 
we need to go overboard and believe that the neighborhood is failing.  

Sharrieff, that was kind of a cheap shot, to suggest that I care more about 
sales than about my neighborhood.  I'm sure you didn't mean it that way, but 
people who don't know me, who don't know how long I've worked for, and loved, 
this neighborhood, might draw that conclusion from what you wrote.


Melani Lamond, Associate Broker
Urban & Bye, Realtor
3529 Lancaster Ave.
Philadelphia, PA 19104
cell phone 215-356-7266
office phone 215-222-4800, ext. 113
office fax 215-222-1101

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