Business is Business.  That¹s how businesses make money.

Tom Knox is not the first person nor the last person to bleed Inner-City
People of Color.

Supermarkets, (most notably ACME Markets amongst others), Banks, Stores,
Libraries, Restaurants, Schools, etc.

That doesn¹t mean Knox is necessarily the worst person to be elected Mayor
of Philadelphia.

I am sure Bob Brady has done worse with regard to people of color.  It was
stated last week in the Philadelphia Inquirer that when Brady visited the
Northeast, he was asked if he would get the N---s off Frankford Ave.

I give him credit to let those comments be printed in his Mayoral Profile.

Still, I do not like his ads A.K.A.  ³Tony Soprano².

At least ³it¹s not over Œtil it¹s over.² and many times has THAT happened in

On 5/2/07 3:21 PM, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> In a message dated 5/2/2007 2:29:46 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
>> If we are permitting Political "advertisements" this week, I'll counter  with
>> ... Tom Knox, who should be working on saving his soul, not the city. His
>> "success" in business, stands squarely on the bent backs of those, so
>> destitute, that they would pay any interest, no matter how usurious, for "Pay
>> Day" loans or buy overpriced, under serving insurance policies, just  to have
>> some insurance.  He has also used his money in ways that  seemed an awful lot
>> like bribes.
> When I read the first post by Sali, who I usually enjoy reading and with some
> regularity agree, I thought someone must have stolen his log on privileges to
> post such total BS and stoop to such a lame advertisement for a totally
> undistinguished professional politician, who has spent most of his adult life
> on the public dole along with a good portion of his family.
> When I saw Liz, my friend and peer's anti- Knox attack ad on the list, I
> wasn't sure if this was the ugly head of socialism popping through the putrid
> flotsam of our local Democrat Party or the outlandish affect of the Moon
> entering transformative Scorpio at 6:41 am EDT, revealing intense emotional
> dramas on the way to tomorrow's Full Moon.
> If we are going after scum-bag payday lenders, where was the outcry over
> Rendell's failure to say it wont happen in Pennsylvania? Where is the
> anti-Sharif Street outcry for this former liberal activist's legal work as a
> promoter of the Pay Day Loan industry along with his law firm Wolf Block
> < <> >?
> And, if Liz really believes Knox's success is exclusively due to raping the
> poor, perhaps she is eating from the hand of Bob Brady. Oh, Knox's wife is a
> real estate developer raping the main line wealthy, who as we all know are
> terribly stupid.
> If you guys really want to do political ads ... expect to take a poking.
> Notice the newly married (best wishes for your happiness) Republican leader of
> the WolfePAC is keeping a low profile? Probably more to do with practicing Sun
> Tzu's Art of War than the fact the guy he's running for mayor is an unused
> leftover from our recent funeral home body parts scandal?
> While this is an amusing election for a political junky, it is nonetheless a
> powerful statement to the pathetic lack of leadership in Philly. Imagine the
> circus that would be occurring, if Vince of Darkness Fumo wasn't being shaded
> by agents of the DOJ.
> Is it any wonder voices like that below are heard from campus as local
> university grads vote with their feet and leave Philly, election cycle after
> election cycle:
> let's just give up
> posted 04/03/07 @ 5:28 PM EST
> Philadelphia sucks. When I graduate, I'm taking my Ivy League degree and trust
> fund somewhere that doesn't look like a third world country. We should all
> just give up on Philly, and build a giant 200 foot tall concrete wall around
> the city. 
> ustory_id=923ab7f8-bda1-47ee-8913-98d949430547
> <
> &amp;ustory_id=923ab7f8-bda1-47ee-8913-98d949430547>
> Like most of you, I love this city. We can and must do better.
> Ciao,
> Craig 
> See what's free at <> .

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