And, speaking of our district's representative on City Council, those of you 
who haven't been distracted by news of her recent alliance with Tom Knox may 
have spotted the following tidbit in today's Inquirer, at the end of an article 
about recent Council doings:
 "...[B]y a 16-1 vote, with Councilwoman Jannie Blackwell the sole dissenter, 
Council passed a bill requiring district Council candidates to have lived in 
their districts for at least one year before they could be elected to represent 
the district. Because the bill requires a charter change, voters would have to 
first approve it during the November election."
 -----Original Message-----
 Sent: Fri, 4 May 2007 9:36 AM
 Subject: RE: [UC] important question about free speech rally
  In any event I'm happy to report that it is now LEGAL to post bills to 
utility poles -- Our city councilwoman has valiantly un-destroyed Glenn's right 
to free speech -- like a Phoenix from the ashes -- Al (I believe) posted the 
exact statute. So we may all join UCD now in celebrating the free 
grassroots-friendly advertising spaces and UCD can get back to emptying the 
community trash cans and sweeping up litter along Locust. Glenn will no doubt 
let us know when he's found a new windmill.
 -----Original Message-----
 From: Mike V. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Your point isn't sound, Glenn. To claim that UCD is against free speech
 because they tear down illegal posters is akin to claiming that the
 state of Pennsylvania is trying to destroy the right to drive a car
 because they refuse to register cars that don't pass inspection. To see
 the attempt to stifle civil rights in UCD's actions is tinfoil helmet
 - Mike V.
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