In a message dated 5/4/2007 7:52:24 PM Eastern Daylight Time,  

The NW  corner storm drain inlet at 45 and Chester is missing one of its too  
I called 911 and UCD about 1/2 hour ago.
I put a 20 gallon  blue recycling bin in the hole so no drunken trustafrain 
farmacy student  falls in an sues the City.

Calling 911 and UCD are a lot less effective than Lew's "patch" of blocking  
the hole with something on a temporary basis until the Water Dept comes.  
Depending on the size and location -- a trash can, a 5-gallon paint or joint  
compound bucket, some orange traffic markers, a sawhorse, an old table or  
tipped-over chair from the basement, etc. Be creative.
It's true that this is the Water Dept's responsibility. But surely we can  do 
things for ourselves to avert a possible disaster while wr're waiting for  
someone to save us. What do people do when the zipper on their pants fails?  
Call Wal-Mart and wait for them to send out a tailor or a new pair of pants ... 
or find a bobby, diaper, or some other kind of pin to hold the sides together  
until they get home? (Remind me some time to tell you the story about the  
time the seam in my pants split when I was at a business meeting and I  
it with contact cement.)  

Always at  your service & ready for a dialog,
Al Krigman -- 36-year local resident,  housing provider, curmudgeon, and 
all-around  crank,

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