Glenn wrote:

The Quality of life task force was a UCD/FOCP attempt to put Clark Park stakeholders on trial with a secretive kangaroo court. They stacked the decks with area bullies and held this in the creepy old Horn and Hardart from Sept. 2001 to early 2002. Lew melmon was the 45th St "representative" and Penny "represented" the 4300 block of Baltimore Ave.

This is just my personal memoir, and not an official statement form the FoCP.

I've spoken with people who remember this committee, and people who've run previous Festivals, and the general consensus was this. Some people had complained about various events in the park, and there were one or two people on this Committee who didn't like the festivals. In previous years, Festival organizers were easily able to beat these complaints back.. However, when Glenn was the "representative" of the Festival on this committee, he was apparently unable to muster much of a fight... and he resigned, thereby making himself even less effective.

I was also working with the Festival when Glenn began badgering Andy Cole over his various obsessions, such as the Quality of Life Committee. What was odd about this was that Andy liked the Festivals, was genuinely conciliatory, and came to Festival planning meetings to work with organizers. Glenn chose these moments to lecture festival people about this now-disbanded QOL committee, and to demand that Andy somehow make stacks of documentation public.

Several years ago, the people Glenn cited as the main anti-Festival people were not elected th the FoCP Board... and people who'd worked the Festivals on the past, such as Tony West, Chris Leswing, and myself, were elected. We responded to Glenn's concerns by organizing, at his suggestion, an Outreach Committee. When invited to participate in the Outreach committee, Glenn again demanded that we address this Quality of Life Committee instead.

Glenn's demands have been consistently bizarre. At the time, the Festivals were in no danger: their "grandfathered" status was written into the Large Events guidelines. But at our Outreach meetings, Glenn co ntinued to insist that the QOL Committee was a "secret" committee that continued to exist, and he demanded that we admit this. (Many of had never _heard_ of it beyond Genn's complaints.) He also demanded that some heaps of documents about this committee, like meeting minutes and attendance records, be made public. This struck us as weird because Glenn was also claiming to have heaps of evidence about this nefarious committee... minutes, newspaper clippings, survey forms, and the like.

For example, he;d demand that we provide him with a list of members-- but he'd been _on_ the committee, and he claimed to know who was on it, so why was he demanding that we "release" this information? Many of us wondered: if Glenn _has_ this evidence, then why doesn't _he_ make it public? Why doesn't he set up a website, and write this shit out to his heart's content? (Or, does he just get off on demanding that other people obey his whims?)

Instead, Glenn berated Tony West over this, accusing him of covering up this secret cabal and its continued influence over the highest levels of government. Actual _outreach_ was, to Glenn, a concern secondary to a more important task: winding back history so Glenn wouldn't feel as though he'd _lost_ to a QOL committee that, evidently, barely did anything.

But Glenn's demonstrated an unhealthy obsession with Tony over the years.On this very listserv, it's been a little disturbing to watch Glenn demand Tony the FoCP President... over a period of _years_ when _Jon Snyder_ has been our Prez. Tony has become this fearsome, diabolical figure in Glenn's imagination, organizing a gang, preventing Glenn from participating (despite Glenn's presence and speaking at public meetings), and Lord knows what else.

UCD/FOCP was unsuccessful in its attempts to misuse the law and force us into this review process. They disingenuously attempted to demand that the law required all Clark park events to go through this special events committee. Like so often occured back then, I was the one forced to beat the bullies in that creepy dungeon and show that this law was in no way to be used as a tool to transfer the Woodland Ave Reunion and the Clark park festivals to UCD. I remember Cindi, "we just want to make sure the law is being followed" I didn't want to make fools out of FOCP presidents, but they always leave me with no option.

The only time Glenn's made anyone look like a fool is when people try to treat Glenn as though he's a responsible human being.

For example, about four years ago, it was agreed that several representatives would be present when Rec sent out its stage for the Festival, to ensure that it was placed properly. Two days before the festival-- prompted by a very bad decision from Rec-- Glenn demanded no one _but_ Glenn be present for the stage-placement. The rest of us refused to change the plans, and said that we'd be out there as planned. That morning came... and the only person who reneged on the agreement was Glenn, who was conspicuously _absent_ from the stage-delivery site _for a festival he was running_. Ever since, Glenn's tried to say that this was an attempt by Tony and myself to take over the Festival, heroically beaten back by Himself.

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