In a message dated 5/9/2007 12:46:01 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  


Writing about this young woman's  plight is about as useful as a fridge in 
the Antarctic, but here goes. 
Geez, you're rich with time.

... She  epitomizes the aggrandizement of material wealth and physical beauty 
by the  public over moral, ethical and socially relevant qualities in human  

... media  hog 
But, you are too kind to participate in the slaughter.

I would  like to meet her ... 

I would like to ...  offer her some compassion ... 
Listen you left wing anti-American-Culture socialist, move to France.  That's 
about as close to Paris as you are going to get.

... My plea to you is to ignore her antics and  her life. ... watch whats 
happening in Iraq, in Kansas, in the U.S. Senate, in  your local community. ... 
She is to news what spam is to email, just  delete her quickly and move on to a 
relevant piece of  communication.


Oh, OK, you're forgiven for your spam. And, how generous for us not to  
delete you.

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