Sali writes:

> Lew writes:
> "He believes that a properly-trained and -supervised police force will
> be able to implement this policy to make the City safer without
> compromising the civil liberties of the citizens"
> Sali: Anyone who believes this is patently dumb! When has this EVER
> worked in the history of the world and why would anyone believe it would
> work in the United States or Philadelphia? There will be tons of
> mistakes, misrepresentations and law suits galore!

Fattah is supporting the same tactics expounded by Lawrence Sherman. Only
Fattah isn't saying exactly what this statement of his really means: "we
will designate specially trained patrol officers in each Police District to
go after illegal guns and the criminals who are most likely to use them."
Fattah is hiding behind vague words, and using Nutter's transparency to
attack him.
> Lew writes:
> "Fattah's recent cynical attacks on Nutter demonstrate that he will do
> whatever he thinks will work to further divide this city along racial
> lines 
> in order to get into the mayor's office."
> Sali: Divide the city along racial lines? Fattah's campaign slogan is:
> "Real Opportunity for ALL Philadelphians". Poverty is not a racially
> divided 
> issue. Racial profiling is. When has Fattah made racially charged
> statements or where in his plan do you see this so-called racial divide?

You are using a campaign SLOGAN to defend Fattah? I believe he showed his
true colors in the debate on Monday when he responded to Nutter's defense of
himself on a previous attack (also by Fattah): "I'm sorry that the
Councilman has to remind himself that he's an African American."  NASTY!


> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Lewis Mellman
> Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2007 2:03 AM
> To:
> Subject: [UC] Vote for Nutter
> Deb,
>    I am very sorry for your loss.  Too many young black men have died
> through gun violence.  It's a tragedy for all of us.  It's time for real
> change, and I agree with you that Nutter can make it happen.
>    I spoke to Michael yesterday and expressed concerns about his S&F
> proposal as a friend asked me to do.  She is on the fence between Nutter
> and 
> Fattah, and this is her question which I showed to him:
> "When Guilliani (sp?) was mayor of New York City, petty crime laws were
> inforced, police presence was well publicized and many people felt
> safer.
> It was also a time of gross police brutality against minority citizens.
> It is  human nature for those with unchecked power to abuse it. How will
> you prevent  police from abusing citizens in the "stop and frisk" high
> crime areas of the city?"
>    He responded that when he proposed the Police Advisory Board, it
> was 
> vetoed by Mayor Rendell which required Michael to build stronger Council
> support in order to override it.  He believes that a properly-trained
> and 
> -supervised police force will be able to implement this policy to make
> the 
> City safer without compromising the civil liberties of the citizens.  He
> believes, as I do, that people in poor neighborhoods have a right to be
> safe 
> from random gun violence and that no one should have the right to feel
> safe 
> carrying and using an illegal gun on the street, as they unfortunately
> do 
> now.
>    Fattah's recent cynical attacks on Nutter demonstrate that he will
> do 
> whatever he thinks will work to further divide this city along racial
> lines 
> in order to get into the mayor's office.  I have no faith in Fattah's
> ability to be an effective mayor.
>    If you want more of the same, Fattah is capable of delivering it.
> But 
> if you want real change, then vote for someone whose record is evidence
> that 
> he not only says he believes in change but has shown that he is capable
> and 
> committed to making it happen.  If you want Phila to be better for
> everyone, 
> then vote for that man on Tuesday.  His name is Michael Nutter.  If
> we're 
> lucky, he will be our next mayor.
>    Vote for Nutter on Tuesday and encourage your neighbors to also if
> you 
> are optimistic about the future and believe that Philadelphia can do
> better 
> than the same old, same old...
>    A number of other List subscribers heard him yesterday also.
> Please 
> correct me if I got his answer wrong.
> -Lew
> Deb wrote:
> "I am a black woman who has lost a family member to a young man with a
> gun. 
> I am not surprised that Sali  tells a sad story and tells people to vote
> for 
> Fattah and a lot of the knee jerk liberals think that they must agree.
> People.....if you do not agree with the stop-n-frisk be
> it...but I think Nutter is a good man, while Fattah is going to give you
> more of what you're used to....corruption. You may be able to sit back
> and 
> allow more young people to die but I am not. This isn't a problem that
> you 
> can sit on....John Street did and you see where it got us. Let's vote is
> someone who will do something......and someone who is not going to do
> business as usual. Sali is ready to vote for Fattah and she is not sure
> where he stands on many issues I bet, including this one. Sad.... very
> sad. 
> Do your homework before spreading untruths for a man that doesn't
> deserve 
> it. Well I take some comfort in the fact that the polls show Nutter
> ahead 
> and it shows that Philadelphians are wising up.
> I usually don't write to the list-serve but it disturbs me when people
> try 
> to sway others when they don't know the facts themselves.
> Deb"
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