In a message dated 5/10/2007 1:01:56 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

Just to be clear..I don’t see the police as my  enemy

And, you will be judged by the company you keep.
Another example of how Team Fattah is not for reform or  transparency leading 
to good government. It is also total selfishness on  Street's part. If Fattah 
doesn't win opening up a congressional seat for Street,  Street will have to 
look for a real job instead of continuing to suck public tax  dollars from the 
nipple of working productive people.
Backroom politics continue only because civilians rarely do the hard  work 
necessary to follow the game, when the political entities will  not furnish you 
with their team rosters, including their shadowy taxi squad  members paid with 
WAM and street money.
This is an absolutely despicable engagement on the part of a moribund  and 
disintegrating Street Dynasty.

Anti-Nutter group has ties to the  mayor
By Marcia Gelbart and Craig R.  McCoy
Mayor Street tried to raise money for the  group that's behind an ad 
attacking Michael Nutter, the front-runner in  Tuesday's mayoral primary. 
Nutter and Street are longtime political  foes. 
Shawn Fordham, a paid consultant to the "527"  group and a top adviser to 
Street, said yesterday that the mayor had made  at least three telephone calls 
few days ago," soliciting money for the  group, known as One Step Closer. 
Street's spokesman, Joe Grace, confirmed that  Street had made the 
fund-raising calls - though Fordham said no one Street  had contacted agreed to 
"The mayor understood this committee was  intending to raise issues and 
inform voters of issues of concern in this  election," Grace said last night. 
mayor was made aware of the  committee by Shawn Fordham, who asked him to make 
some calls, and he made  some calls." 
Efforts to interview Street for this story  were unsuccessful. A reporter who 
went to his home last night to seek  comment had the door slammed in her 
One Step Closer is the third 527 group to  surface in the mayor's race, a 
development that critics call an end-run  around the city's new limits on 
campaign giving and spending. 
This week, One Step Closer made public on  YouTube a TV ad that began with 
1960s footage of civil-rights marchers and  baton-wielding police, and then 
attacked Nutter's proposal to have police  "stop and frisk" people suspected of 
carrying illegal guns. The narrator  asked: "Haven't we had enough of 
politicians like Nutter, who step on our  rights in the name of security?" 
The ad ran last night on CBS3 with a slightly  revised narration, deleting a 
statement that Nutter would "suspend  constitutional rights" in some areas. 
So-called 527 groups - their name is from the  section of the federal tax 
code governing them - can keep donors secret  until after the election, and 
aren't bound by the city's limits on  individual and political committee 
"I wish he [Street] hadn't gotten involved in  this way," said Zack Stalberg, 
president of the Committee of Seventy, a  campaign watchdog group that has 
condemned the use of 527  groups. 
Melanie Johnson, a spokeswoman for Nutter,  said he would not comment on the 
ad and Street's role in the  group. 
Under federal rules, 527s can't coordinate  their efforts with a candidate. 
Fordham said One Step Closer had raised  about $100,000 to broadcast the 
anti-Nutter ad. 
Fordham declined to say whom the mayor had  called to ask for money for One 
Step Closer. 
Fordham and the people involved in One Step  Closer have insisted that their 
group is independent, and supports no one  in the mayor's race. Street has not 
endorsed anyone to succeed  him. 
According to Fordham, Street made the calls  at his request after Fordham 
told him that the group would mount a "public  awareness" campaign, possibly 
including TV spots. 
He said he had told Street that the campaign  would focus on "a number of 
issues, but the number-one issue was 'stop and  frisk.' " 
"He didn't want to get into too many of the  details," Fordham said of 
Street. "He just said, 'You've been around a  long time; you know what's 
appropriate.' " 
Nutter's stop-and-frisk stance has become a  hot-button issue in the 
campaign, drawing criticism from all four of his  rivals. Chaka Fattah and 
Evans have said it would trample civil  rights. 
Nutter has said police would be trained to  conduct stop-and-frisk operations 
in accordance with the law, which says  police may search people based on a 
"reasonable suspicion" - such as  behavior - that they are carrying a concealed 
Street and Nutter, allies in the early 1990s,  have been political foes for 
years and over numerous issues. Street  opposes using stop-and-frisk tactics; 
Nutter's mayoral campaign has  slammed Street's record in a TV ad. 
Fordham insisted yesterday that One Step  Closer was not a creature of the 
mayor's. "There's nobody behind the  curtain here," he said. 
Some of One Step Closer's previous funding,  $75,000, came in 2005 from a 
separate group with ties to Fattah. That  group is run by Greg Naylor, Fattah's 
chief mayoral campaign strategist.  Fattah has said he knows nothing about One 
Step Closer. 
Nutter's campaign lawyer, Susan Burke, said  the campaign contacted TV 
stations yesterday to question use of the One  Step Closer ad, which she called 
Fordham said the ad was revised after talks  involving a Nutter lawyer and 
CBS3. He said One Step Closer is still  seeking to show its ad on other 
Burke said last night: "The real issue is,  who the heck is this One Step 
Closer? It's not what it purports to be.  We're going to dig in and look and 
what it is." 

To view the anti-Nutter commercial that the One Step  Closer group produced 
and aired on TV last night, go to _ 
Contact staff writer Marcia Gelbart at 215-854-2338 or 

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