On May 10, 2007, at 11:43 PM, Anthony West wrote:

That's why the hairs on the back of your neck stand up when you read a troll's unmoderated post. You are reading danger and your body is telling you so.

MY neck? Not usually.

I think part of the problem is that some people take it upon themselves to speak for others by saying things like "the hairs on the back of your neck" when they really mean "the hairs on the back of my neck," or "You are reading danger" instead of "I am reading danger."

I know it's a common way people express themselves these days but I believe there's a reason for it. I don't think people want to take ownership of their thoughts and feelings and want to believe everyone else feels the same way.

Call me old-fashioned but I believe the words people use are important.

I'm also offended by being told what behavior is "healthier" or more "natural." As I see it, the ways humans interact and communicate have always evolved and are now doing so pretty rapidly. Some people adapt well to those changes, others don't. I've heard it said that the ability to express anonymously online the parts of a person's personality that would otherwise be stifled by social conventions is healthy and liberating for some people. Obviously, it's just license to be an asshole for some others.

For the record, I think civility barely exists anywhere anymore, online or face-to-face. Social isolation through the internet, cell phones and iPods could be part of the cause. Those things could also be seen as refuge from the constant assault of noise and rudeness I feel being on the street these days. They could be both or neither of those things for different people.

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