I brought a small number of window signs home from Michael  Nutter's rally 
last night.  Lew Mellman just dropped off to me a huge  number of lawn signs, 
which he rescued after someone knocked them  over.  The window signs are on a 
desk next to the front door, and  the lawn signs are right in front of the 
wall next to the sidewalk,  embarrassingly many for one person to be 
displaying!   PLEASE  come and get as many as you can use.   The more I learn  
Mr. Nutter, his accomplishments and his plans for our city  the more convinced 
I am of his integrity, dedication, wisdom, and  intelligent grasp of issues 
that are important if we are to  make  positive changes in our lives here in 
Philadelphia.  I have  observed him at council meetings during the course of 
years,  and he never gave me any reason to doubt that he will help our city  
become a better place to live.  I've been complaining and picking up  trash 
for years and years,  even voted for Sam Katz in the last  election, talked 
endlessly about moving out of Philadelphia, and now at last I  feel there is 
reason to hope.  I heartily agree with everything that  Melani and Liz posted 
this list about a week ago. 
                                Barbara Tilley
                                4511 Regent Street 

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