I still don't think you understand, which is why we need leadership who does.

I don't think there's any disagreement between us that leadership is needed to deal with these issues. I think our only disagreement on that score is who the best leader would be.

In the end, I think we want the same things.

Absolutely. But my point is that a problem of this magnitude has to be fought from both ends. It can't only be a "leader" doing what amounts to throwing money at the problem and telling people what they want to hear. Because unless self destructive behavior is recognized and changed internally, nothing anyone does externally is going to make a whit of difference.

To use my ice cream analogy, the leader could open up all of the Fit Gyms and Bally's Total Fitnesses he or she wanted, but as long as I'm continuing my nightly ice cream binges while simultaneously telling myself that it's Ben and Jerry's fault that I'm overweight and that going to the gym is "acting white", guess what?

A real leader would say: "I'm going to do my part and open up the gyms. You're going to have to do your part and put down that spoon and go to the gym".

Whether I wanted to hear it or not.


From: "S. Sharrieff Ali" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: "S. Sharrieff Ali" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Margie Politzer'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "'University City listserv'" <UnivCity@list.purple.com>
Subject: RE: [UC] The future of our City is in Jeopardy
Date: Mon, 14 May 2007 12:04:27 -0400


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Margie Politzer
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2007 11:49 AM
To: University City listserv
Subject: Re: [UC] The future of our City is in Jeopardy

>> From: "S. Sharrieff Ali" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: "'KAREN ALLEN'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,<UnivCity@list.purple.com>
>> Subject: RE: [UC] The future of our City is in Jeopardy
>> Date: Mon, 14 May 2007 11:06:25 -0400
>> Karen, you obviously don't understand the environmental
>> and economic influences on the poor, no matter what race.
>> Many people are trapped in a very warped reality.
>> S
> Sharrieff,
> Please don't talk down to me.
> I understand why those things exist.  But understanding why these
> exist is not the same thing as turning a blind eye to them, making
> for them, or criticising the people who point them out.
> I understand that if I eat a tub of ice cream before bed every night,
> going to be overweight. But until I confront the issue and  choose to
> doing that, no "understanding" or any other excuse in the world is
going to
> make me one ounce lighter.
> I repeat, Nothing Is Ever Going To Change as long as self destructive
> attitudes prevail, however or wherever they originated from.  And
> those ideas are challenged, not coddled or "understood", they will
> to prevail.
> Karen

Well said Karen!


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