See-nothing ivory tower ethical here at all-just standard Philadelphia
politics as usual..


Thanks for posting that-I read it this morning in the Daily News, and had
almost forgotten about it.



On Behalf Of Frank
Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2007 12:01 PM
Subject: [UC] John Fenton/UCD in election shock!




Community service, Philly-style


Luke Walker is a grad student at Penn recently directed to perform 20 hours
of community service for a minor infraction.


He dutifully appeared at the University City District on Friday. After
orientation, he was handed a broom to sweep Powelton Avenue. After an hour
and a half, things got interesting.


"The supervisor, John something, told us, 'We've got something else for
you,' " Walker recalled. "They put us on a truck and drove north to a
garage. It wasn't even in University City."


At the garage, the community-service volunteers were directed to load a
truck with barbecue grills, coolers and a couple of Moon Bounce inflatable
kiddie amusements.


"The next day, they drove us out to Malcom X Park [51st and Osage] and had
us unload, inflate the Moon Bounces and set everything up," Walker said.


Included in the setup were "Knox for Mayor" posters, which made Walker think
this was unusual community service indeed.


Several hundred people attended the Knox rally. When it was over, "we put it
back on the truck and went on our merry way," Walker said.


"It was bizarre," he said. "All of a sudden I found myself working for the
Tom Knox campaign and wondering, 'How did I get here?' "


The director of UCD's cleanup effort is John Fenton, who Walker heard was
close to City Councilwoman Jannie Blackwell. Blackwell supported Knox.


Fenton was off yesterday and did not answer an e-mail. Blackwell did not
return our phone call.

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