The first hint of something specious is this guy is writing commentary about neocolonial UCD on a word processor for an old world journalism rag, instead of secluded in a design studio reading spatial news listservs, playing urban simulator/junior policy analyst games, or evaluating high value urban systems integration scenarios for big bucks clients.

Nothing like Penn justifying its branding efforts using its own hack, without full disclosure. And, much shame on this local rag, City Paper, for failing to perform due diligence, when publishing commentary.

what struck me odd about the article was how it seemed so 'second hand' -- as if the author didn't actually encounter any of the stickers himself, and was only retelling a selection of opinions that had already been aired here. for one thing, he gets the words of the stickers wrong (they don't say "university city is just a marketing scheme", they say "university city is a marketing scheme"). and we've all read how similar his speculations were to ones made here a while ago. and where does one even see these stickers anymore? they all seem to be gone.

the article reads like belated 'damage control' or post spin, as though it was placed, for the record, rather than written as a spontaneous timely reaction to something actually ongoing and visible, and which readers could respond to. it feels more like an old skool, top-down pr approach to community engagement, not like any of our current interactive/online horizontal models of exchange.

in the absense of any local gazebo [ROSS!], we'd do well to look more closely into our available public squares -- where they're located, whose participation means sharing, whose participation means controlling. meanwhile, we'll be dealing with stickers and big painted bridges, with listservs and pr machines, with public parks and not-so-public park groups...

[aka laserbeam®]
[aka ray]
does anyone know who actually painted the bridge? who asked for it? who designed it? who approved it? who paid for it? until we do, it's just as anonymous as the stickers. and after all, it's our identity that's at stake.

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