In a message dated 5/22/07 10:03:53 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> Shouldn't we withhold judgement until the facts are in? Not only those from 
> UCD's internal investigation -- which would be somewhat suspect because 
> there's always the possibility of a cover-up with John as the scapegoat -- 
> but 
> from trying to research other sources as well? Speculation and the playing of 
> "what if... then" at this point would be inappropriate.
I don't think the listserv writers ARE withholding judgement (read summaries 
below), and what's the use of waiting till the process is completed and then 
jumping in to criticize it?   Folks on the list always want to be consulted, so 
serve up some advice here!   Let's make sure the UCD knows what you all think 
should happen!   Al, what happened to your "Always at your service & ready 
for a dialog, Al Krigman" signature line on this latest email?   And who is it, 
other than the UCD, that you're suggesting should be "trying to research other 
sources as well?"   Who on the list has the ability to do that?   You're a 
friend of the Councilwoman, Al.   Are you trying to get to the bottom of it for 
us? - Melani Lamond

In a message dated 5/21/07 11:11:27 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
John has a wife and two kids, and he's worked too hard and built up too much
good will to lose his job over something like this.

In a message dated 5/22/07 7:06:38 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
He's a good guy, and whatever the circumstances of the whole
election thing were, I hope he gets back to his job as soon as possible
because he's the one thing at UCD we all _like_.

In a message dated 5/22/07 7:40:03 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> So, whoever decided to do this made a very serious error in judgement. A 
> private company put into this much peril by a key employee would have taken 
> far 
> more serious action than a two week suspension with pay. So, if it was 
> really John, he got off the hook easy and the people who think highly of him 
> (including me) should be pleased that Lewis or his Penn puppet masters didn't 
> sacrifice him to save their own skins and precious ambitions.
In a message dated 5/22/07 7:40:05 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
sad news.

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