i am a big fan of Renzo's deadpan. But I think the show belongs to Truffldino, 
everyone else is largely a foil for his antics. Though definite notables to 
Nanetta/Pompea for her singing voice and improv and, carrying off the only 
serious acting in the play while everyone else cracks wise around her.

-----Original Message-----
From: Ross Bender [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sat 5/26/2007 3:49 PM
To: Kyle Cassidy
Subject: Re: [UC] The Green Bird
On 5/26/07, Kyle Cassidy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> That would totally account for the strange scene in act II where the Green
> Bird endorses Andy Toy!!
> Act II ???? You mean the bloody hodgepodge was segmented into "acts"? It
was all one long blur to me. And BTW I didn't have a chance to ask you last
night because you were passed out in the back room at Abbraccio when the
party broke up, but who do YOU think wins Best Actor/Best Actress for last
night's performance. Or for the whole run for that matter -- I know you've
been hanging around the show like a stoned groupie on roofers.

Or does anybody else have an opinion, since Cassidy's probably incapacitated
already by his mint juleps? I mean, I know it's a holiday weekend, but

Ross Bender

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