The clothes pin stairs have been getting rebuilt for several weeks now, so 
maybe at least one of your peeves will be improved.



-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sat, 26 May 2007 6:59 pm
Subject: [UC] Clean?  The SEPTA Concourses?

The escalators on the northwest corner of 15th & Market and the 
circular stairway underneath the ClothesPin ?are examples of 

conditions not normally seen outside of an impoverished 
ghetto.??When I look at that glass and metal housing over the 

escalators, I am beyond disgusted.? That space has been a pet peeve of 
mine forever and to find out there has been some agency or

company making money on a cleaning contract is appalling.? 


However, when you have companies like Comcast nearby, it is not 
surprising.???If we had civic minded men like Strawbridge 

those conditions would have been resolved somehow.? He is the eminence 
gris who cleaned up East Market Street.? Conditions like

that require someone who cares enough and has enough juice to get things 


Sande Knight

----- Original Message ----- 

From: Frank 


Sent: Saturday, May 26, 2007 4:00 

Subject: Re: [UC] Clean? The SEPTA 
  Concourses? You must be joking! [Was: An example of the potential for 


Like this at 15th & Market? I wish I could email the odor! 


or this at 15th & Locust (Yes, they're human!):


and?the world's most inappropriate slogan:


No they're not!






On May 26, 2007, at 01:09 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


In a message dated 5/26/07 8:24:21 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

The following, from today's Inquirer, is 
      about the Center City District (CCD). It is another example of 
      the potential for 
      abuse by organizations 
      such as UCD.....This article shows abuse in the form of putting a bunch 
      productively-employed workers -- about whose performance nobody seems to 
      be complaining -- out of jobs based on a no-bid contract?which the 
      present people say they could have undercut if given the 

    Al, you're really stretching things again here!?? 

    husband read part of that article out loud to me this morning as we had 
    breakfast.? He read it because we were both stunned to find that there 
    is a cleaning contract with SEPTA for its concourses.? Have you ever 
    *been* in the concourses?? If so, have you ever seen them looking 
    anywhere near *clean*?? I love the trolleys and take them downtown 
    every time I go.? I walk in the concourses to get to the MSB building 
    from 15th & Market, to get from Market St. back to the trolleys, and at 
    various other points under and around City Hall.? The concourses are 
    absolutely filthy.? Someone must pick up trash, because you don't see 
    overflowing trash cans, but other than that, I can't even remotely imagine 
    using the word "clean" to describe the conditions there.? 

So if 
    it were up to me to try to make a change, I surely wouldn't renew the 
    contract of the current "cleaner."

Lamond Melani

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