As I stated before:

"As far as what they were asked to do, they were asked to set "everything" up and the setup included Knox for Mayor posters. How much more clear can it be? It doesn't matter what they were asked to do with them (unless it was to leave them alone) or if they refused. What matters to me is that they were even asked."


On May 29, 2007, at 08:46 PM, Bill Sanderson wrote:

Glenn, you are taking a page from Al Krigman here, and it does not become you. Affecting respect for your peers by using titles, but misnaming those you apparently hold in low regard is childish, and both of you know better.

I don’t recall hearing in these accounts that the students involved in community service were asked to do things they were conscientiously or otherwise opposed to doing. I didn’t read: “and they made me nail Tom Knox posters to the trees in the park.”

What happened wasn’t black and white, and the kind of caricatures that listserv denizens create do nothing to clarify the issues—you make a raft of assumptions, all of them at the most negative end of the spectrum. I make some similar ones, largely in the other direction. Neither one of us has enough factual information to make a useful conclusion about what really went on.

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