I'll freely admit to (likely) being wrong about my original assumption of
the nature of the Penn student's "service."


The easiest way to resolve this would be to ask him what he did and what
happened from there.  I'm sure he's listed in some directory, and maybe he'd
be interested in correcting our assumptions.


For my part, I'll continue to await whatever internal processes are mulling
this over, and hope that they reach a fair conclusion.



On Behalf Of Glenn
Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2007 12:20 PM
To: UnivCity@list.purple.com
Subject: [UC] confusion about Penn ordered community service


I went back to look at all of the media reports covering the UCD scandal to
try to understand this "school ordered" mandatory community service that was

Ray posted this link to the University of Pennsylvania Almanac. Check out
the portion about Penn police.


We know little about the community service program except for the UCD, CCD
and Penn web site info. We know that individuals wear orange jumpsuits when
they are on our streets that have, "Property of Philadelphia Community
Court" printed on them.

There is simply no information that suggests that the Office of Public
Safety conducts a separate system to adjudicate "non-criminal" complaints
for things like the "cow in the library" being asserted on the listserv.

In fact, it clearly states that the Penn police participate in the Municipal
Court community service program. Internal ethical review programs or
adjudicating bodies handling non-criminal matters would not be expected
under the authority of the Office of Public Safety.

I was very confused about the reports of a "school ordered" mandatory
service under this municipal court program. And I was confused at the report
that the Office of Public Safety was apologizing to the Penn students for
something that was done through Municipal Court and UCD. If Penn police
refer arrests to Community Court, why would they be apologizing?

Of course I'm questioning and speculating about what exists behind a wall of
secrecy but I'm troubled about these confusing reports and web sites. Are
some arrests made by the Penn police being referred directly to Municipal
court while arrests of Penn students are being diverted to another internal

We don't know what is going on here. There is nothing to suggest that this
Municipal court community service program has been opened up to punishments
given through a non-criminal disciplinary system. It's actually absurd to
conclude that University students caught cheating on an exam are assigned to
a work detail with prostitutes, petty thieves, and under age drinking
probationers at 51st and Pine.

Why would Municipal Court be involved with non-criminal internal discipline
of Penn students? Isn't it likely that offenders are being charged with
quality of life crimes in the same categories as others referred to this
program like theft, graffiti, minor drug possession etc? I'm glad the
students' privacy has been respected, but these reports make no sense.

I would like the Office of Public Safety to explain the contradiction. If
the Penn police are referring some arrests directly to community court and
other arrests to their own internal community court we may have another
Constitutional problem with 14th amendment rights concerning "the equal
protection of the laws."

Are Penn students getting a special privilege when accused of minor crimes
that non-Penn students do not receive when arrested by the University
police? That would be one possible answer to the contradictions in the known
information and the news reports. I'd certainly like to know more about
"school ordered mandatory community service" and how it connects with this
Municipal court probation.

How can we in the community know what goes on with a wall of secrecy and
cover-up? In this case speculation is all we have so let the insults by the
cheerleaders begin.

Here is an example that might explain the contradiction: West Philly kid is
charged with breaking into 3 apartments after being arrested by Penn police.
He gets a record and community service. Penn student breaks into 3 rooms in
his dormitory. He pleads guilty to the Office of Public Safety. He gets no
record of a crime but is sent to UCD community service with no questions
asked. Now that might explain these two systems and the confusion? 

If Penn and UCD would stop stonewalling at every opportunity, then
speculation could easily be countered and the listserv could get back to
criticizing me. However, I think these contradictions raise more serious


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