Updated information:

On Wed., the leaders of the free speech effort, the police comissioner and an 
ACLU representative are having a joint meeting.  Perhaps, we will receive an 
announcement by Thursday about the Rittenhouse Square problem.

I believe folks involved fully understand that "permits" for public parks are 
being used to infringe upon the right to speech and assembly.  I personally 
hope the police do not back down and this goes to court.  

This is not just a problem for Rittenhouse Square but for all Philadelphia city 
parks.  Abuse of the purpose for the permit has been the central strategy of 
FOCP and UCD in Clark Park which is not under Fairmount Park.  

Permit's were intended to support community efforts to have larger special 
events.  They were never intended to be a tool for crank civic associations to 
make everything legal only at their discretion. 

You are still urged to call city council and ask them to support the right to 
free spech in Philadelphia.


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