On 6/5/07, Elizabeth F Campion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Bill, I still think you are stretching to assign emotion and (small a)
"agenda" to a post that was in my opinion a helpful reminder of a meeting
and otherwise harmless.

Stuff it, Liz. Anonymous letters are anonymous letters and only assholes
write anonymous letters. "Helpful reminder" my Aunt Fanny.

In the beginning Jeff created this list and in his wisdom saw fit not to
moderate it, sort of like the God of the Deists. That means we are a
self-regulating mechanism. We can't evict jerks, we can't ban flaming
trolls, and we can't have a divine moderator screen out the anonymous crap.
But we can, in overt and subtle ways, tell them to go shtup themselves.

Certainly the lowest form of pond scum, lower even than the trolls, are
those who refuse to sign their posts, and you, Liz, should know better and
excoriate them with the rest of us.

Ross Bender

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