Kyle Cassidy wrote:
The whole of the community's never going to completely
agree on anything as we saw with the dog park, and the
liquor store move, so I think that ANY group is going to
have to take a side on something -- if I announced that
all soup kitchens in west philadelphia should not to
serve meals with meat in them because I'm a vegetarian, I
wouldn't Catholic Outreach to not take a stance or pick a
side. I'd expect them to weigh the issue and do what
benefits their constituents.

Can you think of _any_ community group that exemplifies
the neutrality you'd like?

well, for starters, a group could begin with the premise that addressing trees and property values have equal value, equal validity. for example, on your block the choice was 'trees or no trees'; it was never 'trees or help with property values'. if it had been the latter, imagine the possible alternative outcomes. imagine what's possible when we really stick to your words: 'making it a better place to live for the people who live here'...

I'm not saying that 'picking a side' is in itself wrong, but surely you can see how 'picking a side' can become wrong when you don't consider how the sides are defined to begin with.

gotta run-- I can see we have a lot of ground to cover...


[aka laserbeam®]
[aka ray]

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