/In a message dated 6/7/2007 5:46:56 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:/
/My questions include:/

    /        How do we thank John Fenton?/
    /        Can his job and reputation be saved?/
    /        Should we /
    /                save his job? /
    /                lose UCD? /
    /                settle for what we get (and thus deserve)?/
    /        How do we prevent the further co opting of UC by
    Politics, Penn and powerful lurkers?/
    /        Do we support any person or initiative at UCD?/
    /        ?, ?, ?/

I totally agree with everything Liz asks here. We don't know the details - only John Fenton knows EVERYTHING - so we can't judge what happened. But, where do we go NEXT? Didn't this problem come about because the Councilwoman asked John Fenton to help out with SOMETHING, and he did? She doesn't dispute that that's what happened - the only question is what did she ask him to help out with. And then, didn't some student tell the Daily News that John did something which was inconsistent with the tax status of his employer and the law? Isn't that how the story came out? From that start, how did anyone jump to the conclusion that "UCD" is to blame? It seems to me that the parties who participated were Jannie Blackwell, John Fenton, the student, the Daily News, and perhaps Tom Knox.
Well, we don't really _know_ what happened that day. As far as I can tell, all parties involved who've spoken on the matter have attested that Fenton and his crew were working a community event, not a Knox event: there has been no well-substantiated evidence that Fenton's people did anything for Knox directly.
Faced with this accusation from the student, wouldn't any responsible employer have no choice but to launch a thorough investigation? And wouldn't they have to keep things private till they got to the bottom of it? Don't those of you calling for immediate answers understand that an employer has to protect his employees' rights? Would any of you want your employers updating the public about what you might or might not have done wrong, before your company had all of the facts? Do you think John Fenton wants that? The daily gossip sheet sent out by his coworkers? Are you considering the liability issues here, while you are demanding that the UCD give updates to the public?
Not exactly, Melani. Yes, UCD had to investigate the allegations. But given Fenton's popularity, and the public nature of the allegations, the results of this investigation ought to be made known. What was determined? Did Fenton's crew actually _do_ anything for Knox's campaign directly? If so, then was this an honest mistake-- as I said, Fenton would've been caught between UCD's restrictions, his desire to help people out, and the prospect of pissing off Blackwell.

Only then can we adequately evaluate what's been decided. Right now, without UCD's investigators making the facts known, it really looks as though they're being very cowardly, and letting a good man go because of an unsubstantiated allegation.

I can't see how this helps anything. After all, if UCD would do this to a real asset like John Fenton, then why would anyone want to work for them? I'd like to know who _did_ the investigating, and who made the astoundingly, amazingly boneheaded decision to get rid of John Fenton. One positive outcome might be to remove such incompetents from whatever positions they have.

I'll be the first to agree with you on your other points-- that several people are enjoying this spectacle, and Fenton's crash-and-burn has given them an issue they can flog. But this really doesn't reflect well on UCD at all.

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