On a small scale, I am happy that anyone is even considering the  alternative 
of creating a true "community based" organization to supplement the  City's 
services.  It's probably a great way to unite the neighborhood (if  it could 
really happen).
It is a little disappointing to hear such "can't do" technical objections  to 
the concept.  If we were able to keep costs down I figure that $25 per  
residentail property per year and $100 for each business would cover all of the 
required costs (if the original UCD estimates for funding the NID are  used).  
There would be money left over.  
Regarding Brian's fear that residences and businesses would fight over  
control and hardships would be created--  I figure at the levels I am  speaking 
about there should be no issues of control or fairness.  We  could even allow 
exemptions for elderly to not pay even their $25 if  they chose and the debt 
could become a lien on the house for when the estate  disposed of the asset.  I 
figure there would be enough INCREASE in value to  the houses created by our 
"clean and safe" that the house would pay the  back-fees easily with plenty 

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