
Be frank, now. The central point of 80% of Ray's posts is that all Penn 
affiliations are bad, especially when money changes hands, as it does every 
time he cashes his paycheck. Do you disagree? Does Ray disagree? Does anybody 
else disagree this is Ray's central point?

What you are proposing, in effect, is that Penn Employee "Z", who glorifies his 
employment by telling the rest of us what "our" community means, is a 
presumptive villain, whereas Penn Employee "R", who glorifies his employment by 
telling the rest of us what "our" community means, is a hero. Baloney! say I.

If Ray were an honest writer, he wouldn't have gone to such great lengths to 
craft a fake internet ID, "LaserBeam", under which to post his attacks on Demon 
Penn. He did this for years. His aim was to fool the public that he was 
heroically independent of Penn, and UC-list readers did testify his fooling 
worked. He wasn't a criminal, but he was a phony.

Ray is no longer able to publish this particular lie on UC-list, no thanks to 
him. But he still puts effort into publishing false facts. Sometimes he admits 
it, sometimes he doesn't; once in a while, he may admit it in a moment of 
carelessness, then try to retract it later, or pretend it was just a joke.

One thing you'll never see Ray do, though, is what every honest person does: 
admit he was wrong, mistaken, insufficiently informed on any point. Every 
honest person is comfortable with saying "Oops!" or "Tell me more" ... not Ray. 
Not one one of his posts over the last five years betrays any curiosity about 
the simple truth, or any humility either. His sole interest, every post, every 
day, is to fluff up any evidence to back up his paranoia while side-stepping 
any evidence that argues against it.

If you think this is admirable, you are free to admire it. We won't agree.

-- Tony West
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2007 8:15 PM
  Subject: Re: [UC] FS: Casablanca ceiling fan - T, You Okay?

  As someone who also has beaten-up on Zitcer, please, let me jump in.

  In a message dated 6/12/2007 7:16:35 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] writes:
    So what's your point, Ray? In your own numerous posts, you never mention 
    your job with Penn either.
  I believe the vast majority of the List's actives are aware of LB's 
distinguished affiliation with one of our nation's great research institutions 
- U of P.

  Personally, I just ignore Beam's sig lines and those of the real estate 
people who append them to posts that having nothing to do with the rendering of 
regulated real estate opinions/information. Do you guys wear name tags around 
the house?
    I don't see why Zitcer should be expected to be 
    any more forthcoming about his Penn affiliations than you are.
  Maybe Zitcer was forthcoming on his professional disclosure and some lazy-ass 
editor was less disciplined and deleted the info. I went after Zitcer because I 
presumed he was using a popular media outlet to surreptitiously advance Penn 
Real Estate community development strategies, while posing as Everyman. I 
understand how you and I at times may be disappointed by the BrightLight's 
written thoughts, you more so than me, but that's another sign of the Hood's 
cultural and intellectual diversity. Hey, his rose photos were bloomin' good.
    Can you 
    explain any moral difference between you and him, for us 
  Penn doesn't pay the Laserman to promulgate and enact real estate development 
strategies, with Zitcer they do. And editorially, he was dismissive of voices 
contrary to Penn's trying to be heard over the Penn RE Development goliath, who 
I might remind you was killed-off.
    The only personal facts you routinely append to your posts are that you are 
    a serial liar and that you linked yourself to an email forgery.
  The List never asks you two to clarify these outlandish claims because we 
view them as mutually appreciative derision not substantial claims.

  As someone who immensely appreciates both your contributions to the List, I 
suggest this would be a great time to beat a new horse to maintain peak 
broad-based List interest. What ever happened to all those swaggering Cass Gang 



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