Anthony West wrote:
My company would be delighted to discuss with your company the sorts of services we could provide each other for free. You, as representative of the University of Pennsylvania, and I, as representative of the Philadelphia Public Record, together could forge a new era of cooperation and partnership between our two institutions, which together can do so much to encapsulate the civic vision of University City and the Delaware Valley region as a whole.

Until we have concluded those discussions, however, anything you want to say in the Public Record in the form of a paid advertisement you may have, at the rate of $16 / column inch. We do not sell on-line ads separately from newsprint ads. If you want the on-line ad, there's a $2 service charge on top of your newsprint ad. Sorry, those are our rules.

If you want us to create special on-line posting services for you for a fee, discuss them with me off-line.

If you wish to tell the editor how to edit his paper, I will be glad to offer you one free hour during which you, Ray Rorke, can edit my publication. Yes, you are the lucky winner!

Only one condition: first, I get to come to your office and muck around with all its computers for one free hour. No fair making backups, either!

haha you really haven't the foggiest idea what we've been talking about, do you?

[aka laserbeam®]
[aka ray]
  "It is very clear on this listserve who
   these people are. Ray has admitted being
   connected to this forger."  -- Tony West

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