Subject: Re: [UC] Re: UCD - Lewis Wendell and His UCD Lashes Out
Date: Thu, 28 Jun 2007 13:36:16 -0400

from penn's almanc, june 1997

Will assessments be levied in University City to finance

... Any long-term funding plan will involve institutions,
businesses and residents working together in an open and public manner to develop and approve it.



That has to be a joke!!! More accurately: "...institutions and big landlords in the institutions' pockets working together behind closed doors, with residents being encouraged to support it because they'll get a free ride on the "greedy", "frugal" landlords' dime."

What was open and public? The idea came top-down from Penn back in 1997, and was drafted in 2005 by a Steering Committee who represented no one other than themselves. I've never been to, nor have I heard of anyone else who has been to a meeting of the Steering Committee because, as Lewis Wendell stated at one of the three public meetings held once the plan was ready to be rubberstamped, er, approved by the public, Steering Committee meetings are not open to the public. Those three meetings that were public ngs treated the plan as a foregone conclusion, with the only input solicited consisting of asking people how they wanted their money spent. The only reason any changes were made since then was because of the howling opposition the plan met.

This statement from Penn illustrates my points all along:
I have stated before that I fear that the NID will become an unelected, unaccountable quasi-government answerable only to the University of Pennsylvania, and some private deep pockets. I was asked offlist how I could believe such a thing, since Penn doesn't involve itself in the day-to-day operations of UCD. I know that Penn doesn't tell whoever the current incarnation of John-Fenton is now which streets to sweep. My concern is that Penn has and will dictate policy and direction to the UCD administration. Proof? Everything happening now regarding the NID was intended from the outset of the program in 1997, and is chronicled in Penn publications.

Residents were foreseen in 1997 as being part of the target assessees. What changed? Why are residents not included in this now? Possibly because their foreseeable objections would scuttle the program? Or put control of the NID in the hands of people who don't owe anything to Penn? (yeah, I know, people buying $500K houses can't afford to pay a "fair share" of the service that's luring them here in the first place.)

Karen Allen

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