Since this discussion won't have an ending anytime soon, I propose a
mini-discussion on what a BID/NID or whatever you want to call it means to
you!  What do you want included? What don't you want included? What benefits
should it have? How much tax are you willing to spend for it? And who should
pay for it?

Tony, even though I tend to disagree with you sometimes, you'll have to
admit that telling me about taxes in general is unrelated. I know I pay
federal taxes every week when it comes out of my paycheck. It sickens me to
know that some of that money is being used to finance the endless (and
pointless) war. I have no control over that, and I accept that. However, I
would like to think I have a say in a tax that would be local to only my
neighborhood. And if I am taxed, I should be able to know where that money
goes! Being so close to home, as it is.

Now to answer my own questions:

1. A BID/NID (forget dictionary answers here) means to me that I can safely
walk in my neighborhood without fear. It would improve the quality of my
life with cleanliness, security, and a sense of pride and happiness to live

2. A BID should be responsible for cleaning and maintaining all streets,
public areas, and sidewalks in said district. A BID should help small
businesses with "getting started" materials, making sure L & I is at bay by
adhering to state, city and federal laws. A BID should poll all residents
(and renters) about their needs and aspirations. The BID should help meet
those needs and goals, especially if it helps with quality of life, and even
more so in publicly used spaces. A BiD should be ever changing to suit the
needs of its inhabitants. A BID should seek grant funding from state, city
or federal government.

3. A BID shouldn't impose new rules on landlords or home dwellers, except
the tax to make these responsibilities workable. A BID should not be "for
profit"; the only profit is seeing a better community.

4. And finally, the hard question-- how much? Well, this one has me puzzled
a bit, but I do know that ANYONE in the NID should pay for it. Whether it
should be by square footage, or % of something else, I really don't
know...that one I'll leave up to others who may know more about the numbers.

Signing off, (and looking forward to seeing even the lurkers come out to
answer these questions)

On 7/10/07, John Ellingsworth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I think the response to Lomb21 highlights one of the reasons why:

a) people lurk on this list and don't post;
b) posters prefer to keep their names away from the dialogue;
c) sometimes knowing your neighbor isn't really all that great

All too often, one risks ridicule by the self-righteous and the
self-aggrandizing for asking basic or 'simple' questions on this list.
A humiliating, and cowardly tactic, IMO.

BTW - I am sure the NID/BID Lomb21 was referring to was the one here, in
University City.

I look forward to being corrected.


John Ellingsworth

Anthony West wrote:
> Lomb21,
> Do you have an ordinary name? If so, could you please include it in your
> neighborhood posts from now on?
> You keep talking about "the NID/BID" in a way that leads me to suspect
you are
> another one of these notoriously isolated, parochial University City
persons who
> don't acknowledge the existence of the rest of Philadelphia. Please be
> Which NID/BID are you talking about? There are at least a dozen in
> today.
> I neither support nor oppose the creation of a BID in University City at
> time. I don't know enough to pass judgement on the merits of UCD's local
> offerings. Maybe after I've studied a half dozen more in other parts of
town, I
> might venture an opinion. Talk to me in the fall.
> I think you admitted your true name before. Guy Laren, is that it? Just
as an
> aside, why do you fake your ID on a neighborhood listserve? I don't get
it. Why
> do you wish to conceal your identity from your neighbors, on a listserve
> dedicated to communicating with your neighbors?
> I'm not saying you're nuts or dishonest, Guy. But most people who who
post under
> pseudonyms on UC-list have proved to be malicious crackpots. Why not
just be
> yourself? I don't get this urge to secrecy, on the part of healthy and
> respectable persons.
> -- Tony West
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to the power of breathing,
Dan Myers
Intuitive Masseur

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