Anthony West wrote:
If an Amoroso bread truck man is discovered by a newspaper to be selling drugs out of the back of his truck without the knowledge or assistance of Amoroso higherups, then this is not an act of wrongdoing *by* Amoroso. The clock starts ticking on the question of corporate corruption after corporate management was demonstrably aware of the problem.

Field personnel for UCD are in a comparable position. The clock starts ticking on Wendell after he is notified by somebody of a potential problem with Fenton. That is the earliest hour at which "corruption" can begin.

The same with the safety ambassador who was busted for burglary. That was an act of wrongdoing by the employee, not wrongdoing by the employer.

Was it negligence by the employer? Arguably. But I don't know if there are any industry-wide standards in the safety ambassador biz. It is *not* police work, you know. It sounds like this agency learned from this experience and decided to change its policy.

I have personal doubts about even the wisdom of that, though. A real problem in working-class West Philadelphia is a large number of men with criminal records who find it hard to get straight employment. I would want a community-service agency around here to show some compassion and cut people some slack, as that in the long run may do more to reduce crime than the crack-down-on-ex-cons policy you are advocating, Ray. Things that make sense on Locust Walk may have unintended consequences on 52nd St. I'm not even sure Councilwoman Blackwell would agree with you on this one. She has a warm heart.

I don't have an answer to this one. Glad I'm not the one hiring them.

the breadtruck analogy above is misapplied. for example, in the malcolm x park incident, fenton did not act alone, and the event took place over 2 days.

an organization where wrongdoings can happen, repeatedly, and under the nose of its administration, has, evidently, little in its structure to ensure accountability, little to ensure its employees will speak up, little to ensure that wrongdoing is addressed BEFORE it reaches the press. that's why we say then that the *organization* is corrupt. if we want to define corruption as possibly occurring only after an employee is caught red-handed by a newspaper or an administrator, then we should all be glad we're not the ones doing any hiring!

perhaps curio theater could stage a production of hamlet in clark park one of these fine summer evenings, so that people can see for themselves what a corrupt organization looks like and how it works: how everyone in the organization is subjected to playing along, wittingly or unwittingly, how it's all business as usual -- until a university student opens his mouth.

[aka laserbeam®]
[aka ray]
  "It is very clear on this listserve who
   these people are. Ray has admitted being
   connected to this forger."  -- Tony West

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