I happened to be up at 2:00 am, I saw the group of cabbies milling about
outside our building and I went down. There was something similar that
happened about one block away on Saturday. Check out this post:


The one thing I failed to mention is the assault was done by a pair of young

On 7/16/07, edited <edited> wrote:

Wow - how did you find this out?

I actually would like to see if there is a follow-up posting in the
Almanac, as I have been following this and have noticed that some crimes
do not show up...)

B Andersen wrote:
> Last night about about 1:30 am. I taxi driver was assaulted in his cab
> 46th & Chester. They tried slashing his throat. Fortunately, he was not
> seriously injured, though he did have to go to HUP for treatment. There
> a fleeet of cabs out last night on 46th St between and Chester and
> occupied by drivers concerned for the diver who was being interviewed by
> the
> PPD and being treated on site.

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