Here's the NY Times Article.


On 7/19/07, Isabel Lugo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Recently I read an article in the New York Times about Velib, a
bike-sharing program in Paris.  People can rent bikes for a small fee,
and they do not need to be left where they came from but can be left
at any of a wide variety of stations throughout the city.   Thus you
can, for example, get on a bike for one's morning commute, leave it at
a "station" near work, and then   use a different bike to go home; you
only pay for, say, the half-hour in the morning and the half-hour in
the evening.  (Actually, trips less than a half-hour are free; I'm not
sure whether this is because the program is supported by tax dollars,
or if they make enough money on people taking more than half an hour
that they can afford this and still expect to make a profit.) This is
different from most of the car-sharing companies which require you to
bring the car back where you got it.

The New York Times article (July 10) isn't accessible unless you have
Times Select.  The Velib web site
( does a decent job
of explaining it, I think, although it's (surprise!) in French.  (I'm
actually a bit surprised there's no English translation, because if I
remember correctly the NYT article said that they wanted to market it
to tourists as well as locals.)

Anyway, what I'm wondering is -- is there some obvious reason this
wouldn't work in, say, Philadelphia?  I'm always seeing people on
bikes here.   I'd sign up.  I don't have a bike and don't want to deal
with the hassle of having to keep it somewhere (small apartment),
maintain it, etc., but often I find myself wishing I had one.

*HEADLINE:* In This Case, It's O.K. to Take a Bike That's Not Yours



Daniel Su and Adrian Garcia usually spend their lunch break going for a
walk, then grabbing a bite to eat. But yesterday they tried something
different, made possible because they went for a ride using someone else's *

The two men took advantage of an experimental *bicycle*-sharing program
meant to show New Yorkers that biking can be a viable transportation
alternative to expand their lunch horizon.

Mr. Su and Mr. Garcia had read about the bicycle project online. And since
both work a few blocks from Storefront for Art and Architecture, a nonprofit
SoHo gallery that is the experimental project's host, they decided to give
it a try, and headed to Union Square for lunch.

The five-day project is sponsored by the Forum for Urban Design, a group of
architects, designers and planners, and by the gallery, near Kenmare Street
and Cleveland Place. Twenty bicycles are available free, for up to 30
minutes, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. until tomorrow. Bicycles can be returned to
the gallery or dropped off at other nearby sites like Washington Square Park
and Tompkins Square Park.

Displays at the gallery describe eight European cities, including Barcelona,
Spain, and Lyon, France, where bicycle-share programs have thrived. The
project is designed to gather data on the viability of such a program in New

David Haskell, executive director of the Forum for Urban Design, said,
''This is our attempt to imagine bike sharing in New York City.''

''A ride-share program would reduce the dependency on automobiles. It would
be a great alternative to subways and bus services -- and a lot cheaper for
the city,'' he said.

''The bikes are definitely a better alternative than subways or buses,'' Mr.
Garcia, the lunchtime rider, said. ''I know I would take advantage of the
bike program if it existed.''

Mr. Haskell was in Paris on vacation in April and saw how such a program was
shaping up there. Once the Paris program gets under way, in a few days,
there will be more than 10,000 bikes available at 750 stations around the

New York City officials, who are aware of Mr. Haskell's goals, are trying to
determine if a ride-share program would work.

''We are studying it with interest,'' said Molly Gordy, a spokeswoman for
the city's Department of Transportation. ''The big questions for us are how
to combat theft and vandalism, which are two problems prevalent in New
York.'' Borrowers in the test program have to leave credit card information.
Ms. Gordy has been closely following the progress of a bike-share program in
San Francisco. Similar programs are being considered in Portland, Ore.,
Chicago and Washington, where it may begin as early as September.

Caroline Samponaro, a bicycle- campaign coordinator at Transportation
Alternatives -- a nonprofit New York City group that advocates bicycling,
walking and public transit as alternatives to driving -- believes a
bike-share program would benefit not only New Yorkers but also tourists.

''A bike-share program is exciting and interesting,'' she said. ''It's one
piece of the larger puzzle: nonpolluting transportation. This is a way
people can use bicycles. Potentially, it could deal with overcrowded buses,
subways, and the number of cars on the streets.''

Barbara Held lives in Barcelona but is from Buffalo, Minn. She lived in New
York before moving to Spain 15 years ago. Ms. Held stopped by the SoHo art
gallery to visit friends. She did not need to test the program because she
participates in the one in Barcelona. She had her bike card in her purse. It
was the size of a credit card. An image of a red bicycle with the word
Bicing, the name of Barcelona's program, is on the front of the card.
Barcelona started its program in March with 1,500 bicycles and 100 stations.

''The city didn't think it would take off,'' Ms. Held said. ''But the
program is so popular. People ride the red bikes all the time.''


*GRAPHIC:* Photo: Gina Strambi borrowed a bike for a brief trip yesterday,
participating in a test of a free bike-sharing program similar to ones in
European cities. (Photograph by Casey Kelbaugh for The New York Times)

*LOAD-DATE:* July 10, 2007

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