I haven't seen the Quest yet; did it mention their new mobile directory?


(It won honorable mention in the Webby awards. http://www.webbyawards.com/ )


John Ellingsworth

Ross Bender wrote:
Today I was thrilled to receive my very first copy of UCD's "theQuest" in
the mail. Don't know how they got my address because as far as I know I have
not subscribed.

Anyhow, there's a photo of a leering Kyle Cassidy hoisting a brew on page 9.
Don't know if he's gonna sue, but if I were he I would seriously consider

But what caught my attention the most was the UCD's very own online forum --
www.BreakMyRoutine.com where villagers like us can blog about our
experiences consuming the funky dining and entertainment product that UCD
has to offer. Remarkably enough, it boasts that "the people are real and the
forum on the site will provide people with the chance to post un-moderated
comments about their experiences in University City."

Get that -- "UN-MODERATED COMMENTS". Be the first one on your block to sock
it to UCD in an unmoderated fashion. We've heard it all 10,000 times here on
ye olde UC Listserve -- now tell it to an audience of "real people."

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