In a message dated 7/28/07 11:01:15 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> Hear, hear!
> If the name of this new forum is as Al Krigman wrote, that says it all.
>  ----------------------------
> In a message dated 7/28/07 10:00:46 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Still here. Haven't joined the list at [EMAIL PROTECTED] yet. 
Don't plan to.
 Al Krigman


You've been had.   The name of Kyle Cassidy's new listserv is NOT as Al 
Krigman wrote.   Kyle's listserv is:

Al is spoofing, yet again.   Many times, he's posted misinformation to the 
listserv.   Do you remember when Al rewrote and posted an Inquirer article so 
that it appeared that Prince Charles was coming to Clark Park?   Al had Brian 
Siano getting his cameras ready!   And Al let the planning posts about the 
go on and on, till I looked up the actual article and posted the link, 
showing that the Inquirer made no mention of a visit to Clark Park.

Okay, that may have been a sort of funny joke.   And making up a fake 
listserv address for Kyle's list today may be a mildly humorous joke.   But Al 
also posted misleading information about the UCD many times, stirring up 
opposition to it, and that's not funny or fair or good list behavior.   It's 
fine if 
University City folks choose to oppose the UCD for legitimate, factual, 
reasons - but quite different if they are led to oppose the UCD because they 
the misinformation and exaggerations of someone who doesn't play fair with 
the facts in a public forum.   

On the current listserv, every time a frequent poster launches into a message 
containing inaccurate, exaggerated or downright untrue "facts," somebody else 
feels compelled to contradict the original story, and the arguments are 
unending.  I'm doing it now, since you believed Al's ridiculous address for 
list.   This is a waste of too many peoples' time and takes up too many 
messages.   I've been a fan of the original UC listserv for many years - it's 
ten years old now - but the posting of false facts and the arguments that 
follow is a serious problem.   On an unmoderated list, there's no consequences 
posting false information.   I'm hoping that on Kyle's new, slightly moderated 
list, this problem will be eliminated.

Melani Lamond

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