Dear Brian,

This has nothing to do with Glenn, rather from what I have read of the posts
I have seen on Kyle's list, the upenn sig in the URL and from reading past
postings on this listserv.

I read, "The great thing about this software is that I can pre-ban Glenn"
and the response of how that would be heaven.

Mentally, I tired to insert MY name there instead of Glenn's, or yours, or
Karen Allen's and the connotation did not get any better.

As for this current listserv excluding those who do not have access to
computers, is there a way for those people to interact and converse on
Kyle's list without access to the Internet and why is that such a concern
all of a sudden?

Your point about the FoCP has nothing to do with this new listserv and talk
about as you sat "theatrical bullshit"?  This whole flouncing off and
creating a controlled listserv, because this listserv IS moderated.

Printing up handbills to hand out to people in order to publicize the new
listserv with perhaps a hearty dose of why this new listserv was formed is
pretty theatrical to me.

If people do not want to read or hear what I have to say about racism, then
don't.  You can make that "all go away" by squelching any discussion of it,
or ignoring it.  

NOW that you don not have to read any of my posts on the subject, the
problem of race in UC is going to disappear SNAP!  Just like that!

As for Glenn, granted he's not for everybody, but then again no one is.
(Delete key)

BY the malice in your tone, the timing, and the list of bad things I and
others have done while posting on this listserv, it's patently obvious the
rationale behind formation of this listserv was to design a "public forum"
where those sorts of posts from people like me would not ever fall on
righteous delicate ears.

I am not setting myself up to be the defender of free speech.

After what you have written here, I want to absolutely thank you for making
me feel welcome should I wish to join and participate on Kyle's listserv.

On 7/29/07 1:31 PM, "Brian Siano" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Wilma de Soto wrote:
>> Great! A ³community² listserv under the auspices of UCD sponsors and
>> their sympathizers in the neighborhood. No community input permitted
>> unless you take a pledge?
>> What¹ll they think of next? POWER OVER THE PEOPLE!!!
> Lord knows why you're believing Glenn Moyer, whose accounts of issues in
> Clark Park have been consistently misleading, delusory, and frequently
> false. Lord knows where you got this "listserv under the auspices of UCD
> sponsors." Kyle's running a list through a Penn server, and as far as I
> can tell, the only thing he's said about screening is that the list will
> be moderated-- and suddenly, you're worried about being excluded even
> _before_ you've tried to get onto his list. I sometimes typeset FoCP
> stuff at work if it's close to deadline-- does that make the Friends of
> Clark Park "under the auspices of a UCD sponsor?" Both Glenn and Ray
> Rorke work, or have worked, for Penn. You might as well denounce them as
> UCD proxies as well.
> Working up these theatrical wails about exclusion is just self-righteous
> bullshit, Wilma. _This_ list is exclusionary-- it keeps out all of those
> people who can't afford computers, who can't use computers, or who just
> _hate_ using computers. If I meet Sharrieff at the Green Line for
> coffee, and we chat about his UCD committee, we're being "exclusionary"
> in that we don't want assholes coming over and interrupting us. I know
> of three Internet forums for residents of our neighborhood (LiveJournal
> communities, PhillyBlog, this list); there are probably others, but the
> fact that conversations happen _there_ that don't include every human
> being in West Philly makes them "exclusionary."
> The _content_ here excludes people: I know people who are sick of
> Glenn's delusional ravings, Al Krigman's mean-spirited rants, Ray
> Rorke's wifty insinuations of bad motives, and-- yes, people have told
> me this-- your occasional tornadoes of wrath, accusing others of racism.
> _THOSE_ people are "excluded," and there's more evidence of _this_ list
> being exclusionary than Kyle's as-yet-untested project. So do not even
> _try_ to present yourself as this defender of free and open speech, Wilma.
> Kyle's fed up with the bullshit on this list, so he's set up his own.
> Nobody's been excluded, and nobody's closing off _this_ list and forcing
> anyone to migrate. Kyle's list will survive, or fail, on its own merits;
> maybe lots of people will subscribe there, and maybe they won't.
> ----
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