Jonathan Herrmann wrote:
3 - There has been an idea publicly floated by Bruce
Anderson to merge the "new" list with the PFSNI list. I
have no opinion about the PFSNI list, except that it is
significantly less abusive than the UnivCity list, and
therefore I read the PFSNI list. I presume that Penn runs
the list as a service to the community, as PFSNI stands
for Penn Faculty, Students, Neighborhood, Something... I
therefore presume that if the "community" wanted to "take
it over," then people on that list and at Penn should get
together and talk about it.

to my knowledge, the pfsni list is still administered by brian spooner. subscribers post to [EMAIL PROTECTED] not everyone can subscribe (I think it depends on your email address; I once tried to subscribe with a non-penn email address but was turned down. no matter, I'm subscribed with my penn addy). activity there is very slow, nowhere near the activity of uclist. the pfsni website began on penn's server, but a few years ago penn instituted a fee for that service, and with the consent of the pfsni members the website was moved to another server, now maintained by andrew diller/sam nicolary (do I have that right, guys?). the pfsni website is also very low profile, with perhaps its most active feature being [EMAIL PROTECTED], an oline directory of goods and services in university city.

pfsni stands for penn faculty and staff for neighborhood issues. it is now at:

I will
publicly let you know that I wish there were a better
list in this community, but I do not have any negative
wishes against this list. I will simply unsubscribe when
there is a better alternative. If I can be helpful to
anyone working to create a better community list serve, I
am not embarrassed to offer that help. I don't think it
is called a conspiracy when it is done publicly.

good idea; let's do it publicly, right here!

idea #1: there's a lot of talk about civility onlist. I
         believe one aspect of civility that's not been
         talked about is the importance of careful reading.
         it's so essential for civility -- a prerequisite,
         I'd venture to add.

[aka laserbeam®]
[aka ray]
  "It is very clear on this listserve who
   these people are. Ray has admitted being
   connected to this forger."  -- Tony West

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