A bitter pill for female students
Cut in federal money entails increase in price of  contraceptives
posted 8/02/07 @ 7:14 AM EST 
This shouldn't be a problem for Penn kids; what  with all of the high priced 
new housing being developed across campus there have  apparently been multiple 
market surveys performed to establish that Penn kids  have large amounts of 
disposable income available to underwrite their lifestyle.  

Of course ladies, there are several other tried and true options  regarding 
your sexual operating expenses: 

1) Establish a CPI pass  through program to the partners you are servicing; 
don't worry gentlemen never  talk. 
2) Abstain from what you can not afford. 

Of course a few bucks  more per month for birth control is less expensive and 
much less emotionally  trying than an abortion, an arranged adoption, or 
interrupting your college  career to bear and raise a child. And remember 
you will most likely  embark on such a career path without your partner's 
emotional and financial  support. You know how cheap guys can be. 

Life is full of difficult  decisions, however managing your sex life should 
be one of the easiest. 


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