In a message dated 8/4/2007 8:50:50 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 

One of the sons of West Philadelphia, _Kyle Cassidy_ 
( , has a new _book_ 
Armed America: Portraits of Gun Owners in their Homes 
and cover _article_ (  in 
the PW. I'm looking forward to getting the book, but I think the article's kind 
of _insidious_ ( . Other impressions?<<<<<<<

Hey, Kyle's a talented photographer -- and the PW article is interpretive 
rather than reportorial, so its tenor shouldn't be taken a a reflection on him.
Here's something he said after he was interviewed for that piece: "With a 
topic that's so divisive and such a hot-button, how do you, as a journalist / 
photographer / artist, be as unbiased as possible?  How do you remove your own 
personal feelings from what you're documenting? Some reporters are better at it 
than others."
Nothing's wrong with a straight reportorial as opposed to editorialized job. 
Some might have hoped for the latter, but whether they'd be happy with it or 
not would depend on the viewpoint, wouldn't it?
Of course, we've got topics in our own little corner of the world that are 
divisive hot-buttons. And nothing says that Kyle has to be "as unbiased as 
possible" in addressing them. He's not being a  journalist / photographer / 
here but an affected party who has the right to his views and a right to try 
to convince others that those are the optimum views.
(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])  list is walking away from the ongoing debate -- as 
contentious as 
it gets at times -- and does not seem like the right way to handle things. 
This, especially, because while Kyle, at least, has dropped out of [UC], some 
others seem to have joined sweetbarkingcheese to show that civil citizens can 
have a polite discourse but sneak back in here and exhibit just the nastiness 
they pretend they decry.
Giving credit where credit is due,
Al Krigman

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